Really good piece about arguments both for and against the use of prescribed burns within the #ForeverWild #Forests of #NewYork state. If we want to keep our wonderful forest ecosystems healthy we may need to adapt our #ForestManagement strategies to accommodate a changing climate.
#SyeacuseNews #Environment #ClimateChange
#UpstateNY #UpstateNewYork #CNY #CentralNewYork #Adirondacks #Catskills #Wildfires
#foreverwild #forests #newyork #forestmanagement #syeacusenews #environment #climatechange #upstateny #upstatenewyork #cny #centralnewyork #adirondacks #catskills #wildfires
China Should Consider Yuan-Backed Stablecoins Instead of CBDCs, Circle's Allaire Says - Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire touted the advantages of stablecoins over central bank digital ... - #jeremyallaire #stablecoins #finance #china #news #cny
#cny #news #china #finance #stablecoins #jeremyallaire
Slow-moving or training t-storms this weekend w/in an anomalously moist environment will create favorable conditions for heavy rainfall rates which may lead to isolated flash flooding. @NWSWPC has most of #CNY & #NEPA in a marginal risk of excessive rainfall today, Sat & Sun.
Original tweet :
‘De-Dollarization Emerging’ but Greenback Will Retain Its Dominance — JP Morgan Strategists - Two JP Morgan strategists have said the U.S. dollar will retain its dominant posit... - #societyforworldwideinterbankfinancialtelecommunication(swift) #octaviapopescu #meerachandan #economics #jpmorgan #brics #cny
#cny #brics #jpmorgan #economics #meerachandan #octaviapopescu #societyforworldwideinterbankfinancialtelecommunication
Saudi Arabia Enters Trade Alliance with China, Russia, India, Pakistan, and Four Central Asian Nations
>Saudi Arabia has taken steps to join a trade alliance alongside China, Russia, India, Pakistan, and four central Asian nations
#cny #cnh #yuan #us_dollar #usd
Saudi Arabia Enters Trade Alliance with China, Russia, India, Pakistan, and Four Central Asian Nations
>Saudi Arabia has taken steps to join a trade alliance alongside China, Russia, India, Pakistan, and four central Asian nations
#cny #cnh #yuan #us_dollar #usd
It's adorable when people post pics containing ZERO snow, and sometimes a seascape, for a #Noreaster #CNY
Finally! I can say I’m a published author! In just the month of January, my book sold 3 times! I know it’s not much, but I’m ecstatic that those readers bought my book “Old Granny’s Stories Part 1: Lunar New Year” on OverDrive and Hoopla! If you have Amazon Prime, it is free to read on Kindle: #AAPI #ABC #Asians #Asianamerican #CNY #LNY #chinesenewyear #lunarnewyear #amazon #kindle
#AAPI #abc #asians #Asianamerican #cny #lny #chinesenewyear #lunarnewyear #amazon #kindle
Looooving my shop's new freebie sticker! 💫 Bye-bye Tiger and hello Year of the Bunny :)
Orders placed in my shop from here until probably mid-year will get this sticker free, plus I'm sending them out with physical commissions as a little thank you, too. <3
#yearoftherabbit #rabbit #lunarnewyear #chinesenewyear #cny #lny #2023 #sticker #holographic #holo #stickerart #freebie
#freebie #stickerart #holo #holographic #sticker #lny #cny #chinesenewyear #lunarnewyear #rabbit #yearoftherabbit
It is Chap Goh Meh (Hokkien for15th Night) and fireworks are all over the skyline.
It marks the end of #ChineseNewYear
#chinesenewyear #cny #lunarnewyear
It's the 15th day of the #LunarNewYear #ChineseNewYear2023 and these giant #JossSticks were burning outside a shrine. #BatuLanchangMarket #CNY #Prayers #ChapGohMei
#lunarnewyear #chinesenewyear2023 #josssticks #batulanchangmarket #cny #prayers #chapgohmei
🐰🐇 Happy Chinese New Year 2023! #cny #chinesenewyear #binondo #manila
What a great a start of 2023 celebrating with drumbeats, dragon dances, and authentic Chinese cuisine.
#binondo #chinesenewyear #cny #manila #Yokohama #Yokohamadestinations #Yokohamatour #YokohamaTravel #Yokohamatrip #Yokohamavacation #横浜
#cny #chinesenewyear #binondo #manila #yokohama #yokohamadestinations #yokohamatour #yokohamatravel #yokohamatrip #yokohamavacation #横浜
Heute ist der letzte Tag der Chinese New Year-Feierlichkeiten und am morgigen Montag hat uns der Alltag wieder....
CNN hat wirklich eine ganz wunderbare Reportage zum Fest in der chinesischen Provinz veroeffentlicht und die ist zum Teil wirklich beruehrend. Zu sehen, wie die Wanderarbeiter:innen nach zum Teil ueber 3 Jahren wieder ihre Familien sehen koennen & wie in diesen Doerfern die Zeit stehengeblieben zu sein scheint.. faszinierend!