Je suis né en 322 PPM, et vous ?
Sur leurs bras, un nombre et un sigle : PPM, portés comme un étendard. Mais que veulent dire exactement ces trois lettres ?
Il s’agit de l’acronyme de « parties par million », l’unité de mesure qui permet notamment d’évaluer la concentration de CO2 dans l’atmosphère.
Et vous quand êtes vous né.e.s
#ppm #climate #climat #co2 #co2emission
Scientist said last year is a clear show of climate change. This year we expect even hotter extreme temp than what we expected last year over 40C in Europe. 1st Jan 2023 jn Europe: double digit close to 20C in wide spread Europe.
#climatechange #greenhousegas #co2emission
#co2emission #greenhousegas #climatechange
@giulio_mattioli its interesting that agriculture ( the green 2. From bottom) is reducing so slowly.
I think it would be easy to reduce it.
#vegan #vegetarian #lowch4diet #nocow #nolamb #co2emission
#co2emission #nolamb #nocow #lowch4diet #vegetarian #Vegan
The International Energy Agency estimates heat pumps globally have the potential to reduce global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by at least 500 million tonnes in 2030 – equal to the annual CO2 emissions of all cars in Europe today.
The technology is tried and tested, even in the coldest of climates. Policy makers should be putting their weight behind this technology that is witnessing unprecedented momentum at the moment.
The International Energy Agency estimates heat pumps globally have the potential to reduce global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by at least 500 million tonnes in 2030 – equal to the annual CO2 emissions of all cars in Europe today.
About #ski #co2emission #LocalClimateJustice #employment #mountainlovers
(In French).
#ski #co2emission #LocalClimateJustice #employment #mountainlovers
📬 Bitcoin ist klimaschädlicher als Rindfleisch – laut dieser Studie
#Kryptowährungen #Studie #BitcoinMining #Blockchain #CO2Emission #Ethereum #Klimawandel #ProofofStake #ProofofWork
#proofofwork #proofofstake #klimawandel #ethereum #co2emission #blockchain #bitcoinmining #studie #kryptowährungen
Am Wochenende hat es mich mal wieder gepackt und ich habe #vegan:es #MealPrep:ping betrieben.
Ganz 100% vegan werde ich wohl so schnell nicht werden, alleine schon wegen der #Plastikverpackungen und den #CO2Emission:en mancher Zutaten.
Aber auf jeden Fall ist es eine #lecker:e Lernkurve! 📈👨🍳
#vegan #mealprep #plastikverpackungen #co2emission #lecker #seashepherd #fortheoceans