TessMMeyer · @TessMMeyer
89 followers · 174 posts · Server mastodon.online

My doesn't provide indicators in , & only "recommends" so 3/4 of my colleagues run around maskless in un-aired spaces. I see 96 students/wk. 🤐

Carted a small HEPA filter to my seminars & wore a FFP2 mask. Felt like a freak but the Covid I got (my 2nd time) was from my SO's train commute.

Now have invested in a far-UV 222nm desk lamp which I will employ additionally.

I'll be damned if Covid gets me a third time.

#keepfightingcovid #masks #seminarrooms #co2level #academicemployment #University

Last updated 2 years ago

Evan :verified: · @evro
37 followers · 211 posts · Server techhub.social

What good is a ? is important to prevent . As I was exposed a little under two weeks ago, figuring out how my house is has been on my mind.
is a useful proxy for ventilation (NOT for risk of infection!). I’ve been occasionally ventilating the house by opening windows and cranking fans for an hour.
Smart home says 15 minutes is probably enough. Remember that environmental CO2 levels are in the low 400s worldwide.

#smarthome #ventilation #covidinfections #wellventilated #co2level

Last updated 2 years ago