Unless this is a deep fake, looks like Coach Red Pill is alive. He doesn't say much but he says he's been picked up by the SBU, his computer and telephone were taken, and he cannot leave Kharkov.
#GonzaloLira #coachredpill #russia #ukraine
I started listening late to Coach Red Pill, Gonzalo Lira, right after the Russians entered #Ukraine . He was debunking all the western media's propaganda while on the ground there.
Now he's gone missing.
One of his last videos was the The Daily Beast doxxed him & was fearing for his life.
Who knows if he's alive or dead.
The truth is dangerous today. I salute all those courageous enough to shine a light on all the lies.
Let's pray he's still alive.
#GonzaloLira #coachredpill #Azov #russia #ukraine