#CSG #Pollution #JustWrong This is actually criminal if it happens. The gas industry has known about this problem for over a decade now. The Queensland Government needs to stop #CoalSeamGas immediately! https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/apr/08/coal-seam-gas-waste-plan-risks-washing-5m-tonnes-of-salt-into-the-murray-darling-basin?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
#csg #pollution #justwrong #coalseamgas
If there is one issue that makes me a Greens supporter it's the knowledge that Austrialian Labor party accepts political donations from fossil-fuel companies and seems to give their planet wrecking industries carte blanche to extract as much as they like. The relationship is way too cosy. Labor are piss weak on climate action. They appear to think that their mandate is to continue wrecking the planet with abandon. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/feb/21/making-climate-crisis-worse-greens-blast-labor-after-queensland-coal-seam-gas-expansion-approved
#ClimateAction #Greens #Australia #Santos #Labor #Plibersek #Albanese #CoalSeamGas
#climateaction #greens #australia #santos #labor #plibersek #albanese #coalseamgas