How is it possible to sign an agreement to reform research evaluation and to make it more #OpenScience friendly while declaring OS practices "not scientific". It is possible, if you are the #ANVUR. Caesar est supra grammaticos #AISA #COARA
#OpenScience #anvur #aisa #coara
#CoARA Working Group Towards Open Infrastructures for Responsible Research Assessment announced
At @cwts we are proud to be one of the initiators of this important #CoARA working group #OI4RRA.
The working group aims to enable the research community to be in full control of the data and indicators it relies on in assessments. This is an essential step to make research assessment more transparent and responsible.
A great way for research institutions to kick-start research assessment reform journey and review current practices with view to the #CoARA commitments!
EU-funded #GraspOS project invites #universities #funders and other organisations, who are or could become #CoARA signatories, to answer the landscape survey on #ResearchAssessment practices.
Deadline 28 May 2023. Distribute the survey in your networks!
#ResearchAssessment #funders #Universities #graspos #coara
#COARA #ResearchAssessment
Good for you @UAM_Poznan 👌
RT @ekulczycki
Since today, my Alma Mater @UAM_Poznan is a member of @CoARAssessment. Sooo good 👍🏼
Su Possiamo riformare il *modo* in cui si valuta la ricerca e raccomandare l'#openscience, come COARA, ma se non discutiamo *chi* valuta e *perché* lo fa, la scienza, intrappolata nel gioco a somma zero della valutazione di stato (centralizzata, autoritaria), sarà aperta soltanto a parole. Se siete o conoscete firmatari di #COARA, fateli aderire alla proposta #AISA. La questione va portata in Europa!
Talking about #CoARA at @RDA_Europe P20
@evamen: "It's all about #seduction. Do you remember the time you switched to whatsapp? Probably not, but you did. I hope it will happen the same for research #evaluation"
And I add: do you remember when we switched to h-index? No? In 2005.
La Coalición para el Avance de la Evaluación de la Investigación (#CoARA) apoya para reformar la evaluación de la investigación.
📋 Algunas premisas:
Cumplir con las normas y prácticas de ética e integridad.
Salvaguardar la libertad de investigación científica.
Respetar la autonomía de los organismos de investigación.
Garantizar la independencia y la transparencia, la infraestructura y los criterios necesarios para la evaluación de la investigación.
📄 Acuerdo sobre la reforma de la evaluación de la investigación (revisión de Julio 2022):
#investigación #research
#coara #investigacion #research
La registrazione del seminario dedicato alla riforma europea della valutazione è visibile qui:
#Notizie #COARA #riformaeuropeadellavalutazione #valutazionedellaricerca
#notizie #coara #riformaeuropeadellavalutazione #Valutazionedellaricerca
La riforma europea della valutazione della ricerca: l’Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment (12/1/2023)
Il centro interdipartimentale DETECT dell'università di Pisa organizza, col patrocinio dell'AISA, un lunch seminar in presenza e on-line dal titolo: L'iniziativa europea
#Notizie #AgreementonReformingResearchAssessment #COARA #valutazionedellaricerca
#notizie #agreementonreformingresearchassessment #coara #Valutazionedellaricerca
RT @evamen
Here you are a Christmas version of my #OpenScience mushroom... again demonstrating my lack of skills for drawing and the lack of colors in my office... but a lot of hope on the new #CoARA initiative and the believe that a Better Science is possible, and needed!!! Merry Christmas
Big news from signing the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment and making changes to their applications and evaluations ! #ReformingRA #COARA #OpenResearch
#openresearch #coara #reformingra
RT @cOAlitionS_OA
Happy to announce that cOAlition S has officially joined the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA)!
Within the broader context of #CoARA, we will focus on the role of scholarly publishing in the reform of #ResearchAssessment
#reformingra #ResearchAssessment #coara
Just out a "Self-evaluation tool for culture of open scholarship services" for Finnish organisations:
Of special interest to #CoARA community:
👉Section 2.2: Evaluation
👉Appendix 1: Check-list for responsible evaluation
#ReformingRA #ResearchAssessment
#openscience #ResearchAssessment #reformingra #coara
Just out a "Self-evaluation tool for culture of open scholarship services" for Finnish organisations:
Of special interest to #CoARA community:
👉Section 2.2: Evaluation
👉Appendix 1: Check-list for responsible evaluation
#ReformingRA #ResearchAssessment
#openscience #ResearchAssessment #reformingra #coara
#CoARA @ #ReformingRA:
⮩ Really interesting #EU 🇪🇺 initiative to to tackle current issues with research assessment
Will this make research more equitable and sustainable, and ultimately enhance its value?
Sign here:
The Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment is open for signatures! We engaged for recognition of open science and #RDM skills. Worthwhile collabo with 100s of others who recognise the need for improvement in research assessment. #CoARA #ReformingRA