Global News BC: B.C. funds $25 million more for marine restoration, doubling program #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #coastalrestoration #marinerestoration #B.C.environment #BritishColumbia #coastalcleanup #marinecleanup #OceanCleanup #Environment #Politics #Science #coastal #MARINE #coast
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #coastalrestoration #marinerestoration #b #coastalcleanup #marinecleanup #OceanCleanup #environment #politics #science #coastal #marine #Coast
Louisiana embarrassment Steve Scalise continues to suck up to Big Oil, this week announcing he is YET AGAIN proposing to remove regulations from fossil fuel companies. Then in the same breath he trumpets support of coastal restoration and flood risk reduction work, blissfully—or perhaps willingly— ignorant much of the climate crisis is a result of our addiction to fossil fuels!
#politics #louisiana #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #CoastalRestoration #GOPFail #FossilFuels #Fuckery #Idiocracy
#politics #Louisiana #ClimateChange #globalwarming #coastalrestoration #gopfail #fossilfuels #fuckery #idiocracy
It’s exciting to see projects like this moving forward! So much of our collective energy has been spent on fighting natural processes, it’s nice to be finally spending energy on restoring at least some of those processes. It’s a step in the right direction.
#Louisiana #CoastalRestoration #BaratariaDiversion #GulfCoast #MississippiRiver
#Louisiana #coastalrestoration #baratariadiversion #gulfcoast #mississippiriver