#CoastTimeYear house upgrades for market means today I am trying to reclaim some of my space between projects.
More #CoastTimeYear thoughts: I think part of the reason we are attracted to the idea of our #aframe future is that he wants to go with a new build but I hate the idea of a cookie cutter house. An unconventional structure seems to be our best compromise plan and we are both excited for it. And our builder friend is excited to work with us on something that won't have questionable repair work that he needs to rip out and redo, heh.
As we continue down the #CoastTimeYear path I know I will miss #gardening this year (maybe two but I hope not) so I am thinking about where and how to channel that energy. Going to keep the #HalfPanHerbGarden going but maybe change a few things out. Thinking about indoor container Albion #Strawberries that can move with us. Not gonna lie, gonna miss my #BackyardHabitat.
#coasttimeyear #gardening #halfpanherbgarden #strawberries #BackyardHabitat