“We are ready to strengthen the cooperation with the #Philippines on #MaritimeSecurity in the region by sharing information, conducting threat assessment and building the capacity of your national #CoastWatch center and your #CoastGuard,” #vonDerLeyen told Marcos as she read a joint press statement. #SouthChinaSea
#EU to help #PH on maritime security, says #EuropeanCommission chief
#southchinasea #europeancommission #Maritimesecurity #ph #eu #vonderleyen #coastguard #coastwatch #philippines
Soooo…. I was #procrasticoding and came up with this little app to put #GulfOfMaine buoy #SST (sea surface #temperature) in context like #ClimateReanalyzer, and I really like how it turned out. https://shiny.umb.edu/shiny/users/jarrett.byrnes/gom_buoy_sst_timeseries_app/
Also a great excuse to try out rerdapp’s tabledap() that I learned from @noaacoastalsci’ #coastwatch workshop. #rstats code repo here https://github.com/jebyrnes/gom_buoy_sst_timeseries_app
#procrasticoding #gulfofmaine #sst #temperature #climatereanalyzer #coastwatch #rstats
Experimental Weekly Sargassum Inundation Report (SIR v1.2) [earth observation]
https://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/sargassum_inundation_report/ <-- NOAA’s Sargassum Inundation Report
https://sargassumhub.org/monitoring/ <-- shared web page
https://www.eu4oceanobs.eu/use-cases/ <-- Earth Observation Value Chain Case Study On Sargassum
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/seaweed-florida-sargassum-bloom-grows-beaching-events/ <-- example shared news article
https://www.aoml.noaa.gov/obs-for-blue-economy/#sargassum <-- NOAA sargassum FAQ
#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #earthobservation #NOAA #CoastWatch #OceanWatch #environmental #data #collaboration #publichealth #Sargassum #innundation #atlantic #caribbean #floating #bloom #seaweed #monitoring #mitigation #planning #model #reporting #spatialanalysis #coastal #ecosystem #impact #algae #AFAI #SIR #geostrophic #currents #AOML #NOAA
#gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #earthobservation #noaa #coastwatch #oceanwatch #environmental #data #collaboration #publichealth #sargassum #innundation #atlantic #caribbean #floating #bloom #seaweed #monitoring #mitigation #planning #model #reporting #spatialanalysis #coastal #ecosystem #impact #algae #afai #sir #geostrophic #currents #aoml