A belated birthday celebration this #CoatiMonday! I drew this as a gift for Zukaro, the wax robot fox with a tendency to melt. They're a great friend and have done a lot to help me lower my own melting point.
Original art at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52057695/
(Since this picture they've gotten a mouth, which probably would have made it easier to blow out the flame. Also, the confetti seems like a bad idea while the flame isn't blown out. And don't worry about the melting ... Zukaro will be fine.)
Late summer is a good time to play some games with friends! So this #CoatiMonday sees me playing with Mischa, the inflatable genie, one of my oldest friends and the first object-tf person I got to know. So far as I know they're not on Mastodon but as with many object tf people, you'll see them all around, happy little things.
My own art, at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52152156/
My hindpaw holding that die isn't an art error. Coati ankles can twist all the way around backwards, like squirrels' do, the better to climb down stuff.
Looking to beat that late-summer heat wave? There's nothing like a good solid block of ice to do it. That's my tip for you this #CoatiMonday. Your choice whether you want to catch up on your podcasts or, like I do here, just chill.
My own art; original at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52453551/
Trying out the hexapod life for this week's #CoatiMonday and who better to advise, and to illustrate, this than limbs expert @hexadoodle? The gait for having three front and three hind legs takes practice, but you can derive it from either eigenvector analysis or a more intuitive rationale.
Original picture at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53204827/ and there's a lot that I love in this picture but maybe the best small detail is tha quivering smile on my lip. Just *that* right.
Sure, it's #CoatiMonday but this week also sees the anniversary of Betty Boop's first appearance in cartoons (Dizzy Dishes). So thanks to #tf expert @chasetheredfox for letting me boop him! Chase doesn't normally allow that sort of thing, you know.
My own art, at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52224009/
Also if you'd like to read the thoughts of someone quite close to me about Betty Boop's debut there's https://wp.me/p37lb5-1SU ...
Another way to beat the heat in a midsummer #CoatiMonday? Why not take on a fish aspect? I drew this as a #MerMay picture, as who wants to miss that kind of fun, but I like how it came out overall, especially in the paws looking webbed but not too wrong. Note the bold choice to just let my right hand be hidden instead of figuring some way to fit it on-screen.
In a small globe/bubble because why not?
Original at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52317296/
Feeling in the pink this #CoatiMonday! A while back a friend painted me pink and I've found I look rather nice that way, and don't even mind the constant Henry Mancini soundtrack. Original picture at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51429526/
This #CoatiMonday I invite you into the Cave of Wonders! On FurryMuck, I'm both giant and petrified and that's got some people very curious what might happen if they went spelunking. I'm open to it, of course ... not my fault if someone gets cold feet.
My own art; original at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51793005/
An #introduction #CoatiMonday! I'm Austin Dern, the first coati in fandom, and here's some of my art showing my favorite activity, being with BunnyHugger, my bride of 11 years and partner of 15. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52720495/
I'm a proud nonanthro, a moderator on blimps.xyz, and head wizard of SpinDizzy Muck, a longrunning furry gang living in a city in space on a journey they don't understand ( https://muck.spindizzy.org/spindizzy-jsclient/client.html ).
Follow me for impractical game concepts periodically posted.
It's always great to have your limbs examined by a professional like @hexadoodle and to try out a quick swap and see how the other half toes. But it's also always nice to get back in your own feet and see what good shape they're in now.
Thanks again to hexadoodle for letting me draw a fun piece and giving me a rare chance to be a little modular this #CoatiMonday. Original art at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52442234/ and following up on https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51301935/
Enjoy a pause this #CoatiMonday! @/digitalfox@yip.vulpine.engineer sure is, in a drawing of my own that I somehow forgot to share with you all some time ago. This was a breakthrough piece for me in learning how to draw figures that look like they're touching one another. It was a breakthrough for digitalFox in that he got a pleasant weight on his shoulders, too.
Original at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/49211911/
Tote your way this #CoatiMonday! Part of an art trade with FA/techno., their fox-corvid DJ RFX takes me for a walk in the Cat Tote Bag. The bag is a curiosity I saw in a 1946 comic, where it's presented as a way someone would transport their cat somehow.
My half of the trade, showing RFX getting a similarly fun ride, is at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52282691/ and links to the comic book that gave me this weird interest.
Take a little pressure off this #CoatiMonday and enjoy deflating from a room-filling balloon size back down! All you have to do is reach the shutoff switch ... uh ... all right, that's maybe a little too much fine motor control for right now. Well, just reach over and snag the air hose so ... uh ... okay, my arm's stuck in the window. Well, I'm sure someone will open a door and come in, help me out, right? Right?
Delightful YCH art by FA/BladeDragoon, https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52271128/
Here's a #CoatiMonday feature you won't want to duck! It's always a thrill, for artist and commissioner, is asking them to just run amuck with your character and see what happens! Panda Jenn delighted me with this beautiful piece based on one of those body goals I've had since childhood.
Original at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52142044/
#PawDay you say? Well, that's convenient. Oh, @digitalfox?
(Also I'm startled to find I apparently never ran this as a #CoatiMonday piece. Will schedule that for fixing sometime soon. My own art, also at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/49211911/ )
New month, new slapstick! After the sublime last #CoatiMonday FA/Lunara-Toons helped me get in touch with my cartoon side with an image based on a scene from the 1939 Merrie Melody _Porky's Tire Trouble_ (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7xefuj at about 5:20). It's a great moment of stretchy, rubbery action. Being purple was Lunara-Toons's inspiration but it nicely fits my interest in being novel colors.
Original art at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51808572/
Enjoy the happy evanescence of a delicate #CoatiMonday! I knew that this soap-bubble commission from @frengers was going to be one of the best I ever got, but underestimated just how exquisite it would be.
This is so much a puff of air slightly contained in films of soap and water that it's a joy however long I look at it.
It's a party-ready #CoatiMonday today! inflatessimal@birdsite was so good as to draw me as a mylar balloon, helium-filled and ready to join whatever the celebration is!
Love those seams, love those scallops, and love the rare chance to see a mylar version of me.
I hope this #CoatiMonday that folks feel the delight I have in getting to enjoy eggs and lots of painting things strange colors. My own art, posted at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51714932/ for stable reference.
Several weeks back someone on SpinDizzy ( https://muck.spindizzy.org/ ) painted me pink, 'with pink bunny ears' and so that's why I've got more ears than usual. You know how it is when you're oddly susceptible to being painted.
Let me tickle your fancies this #CoatiMonday! Or you can tickle mine. Here I drew one of my wildest fantasies, that of my dear bride BunnyHugger feeling absolutely free to tickle me because I enjoy it even if she does not understand how someone might like being tickled. Also, yes, I am ticklish enough in reality that people waving their fingers at me will cause me to giggle.
Original art at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51480211/