Part of TOTI’s journey is that it’s #coauthored by me and my best friend! We first wanted to design an open world #videogame but then decided we wanted to write it as a #novel #series. The world of Etherea stopped spinning, leaving three distinct realms: one always in light (desert, hot, #petra like city), one always in dark (volcanic rifts, tundra, mushroom forest), and one in between (canal city, forests, mountains)
#coauthored #videogame #novel #series #petra
Recently worked on a multiple #CoAuthored article with some colleagues AMD also working on revising some submitted #SingleAuthored articles. Thinking about issues with #AcademicPublishing and debates about #PeerReview and troubles finding reviewers, seems to me that we also need to fold into this the issue of why we value single-author papers when co-authorship (I mean genuine #CollaborativeResearch and writing) can build peer-review into the writing process.
#coauthored #singleauthored #AcademicPublishing #peerreview #collaborativeresearch