#UnGlamorousSolutions #cobenefits: Since the first phase, bus #traveltimes on that segment of Geary went down 18%, #TransitReliability improved by 37% and excessive #speeding dropped by 81%, according to the SFMTA.
#unglamoroussolutions #cobenefits #traveltimes #transitreliability #speeding
The #energytransition will benefit #nature. It will limit the #environmentalharms caused by producing and transporting millions of tons of #fossilfuels.
#cobenefits #energytransition #nature #environmentalharms #fossilfuels #roadlessrule #removeroads #BiodiversityCrisis #oceandegradation
Multi-solving climate action is more effective than single-issue solutions. A new report shows that multi-solving approaches can address multiple challenges, such as health, equity and resilience. This means that multi-solving climate action can create more benefits and co-benefits for people and the planet.
#multisolving #climateaction #cobenefits
#multisolving #climateaction #cobenefits
It's great to see UN Climate Change addressing the impact of climate change on mental health. The indirect effects are often overlooked.
Including more green infrastructure in our urban environments provides co-benefits for mental and physical health and environmental health.
See there LInkedIn post here https://www.linkedin.com/posts/unclimatechange_mentalhealth-climatechange-mentalhealthawareness-activity-7051841630781202432-X3Zl?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
The @phaa has a policy position statement on Mental health and climate change. You can read it here https://www.phaa.net.au/documents/item/4637
We're updating this statement for release later this year.
#PlanetaryHealth #ClimateChange #MentalHealth #Wellbeing #EcoAnxiety #Resilience #CoBenefits #UrbanDesign #GreenInfrastructure #GreenSpace #EnvironmentalHealth #EnvironmentalPsychology #PublicHealth
#planetaryhealth #climatechange #mentalhealth #wellbeing #ecoanxiety #resilience #cobenefits #urbandesign #greeninfrastructure #greenspace #environmentalhealth #environmentalpsychology #publichealth
#CoBenefits: Reducing heat-trapping gas #emissions slows the #climatecrisis and is #safer, improves #health, and protects #democracy from #CitizensUnited #extractive money. #speedkills #20sPlenty #WalkableCities #betterworld
#cobenefits #emissions #climatecrisis #Safer #health #democracy #citizensunited #extractive #speedkills #20splenty #walkablecities #betterworld
"Our study is the first detailed national evaluation of the health effects of the CCC’s decarbonisation pathways. We show that net-zero is likely to lead to substantial benefits for public health – and that these benefits are greater with faster and more ambitious change."
Improving home #energy #efficiency gives biggest bang for the - um - pound.
#UK #ClimatePlan #cobenefits #InsulateBritain
#energy #efficiency #uk #ClimatePlan #cobenefits #insulatebritain
@FfFMaHe @pascalgrothe @mitTempo30durchBerlin @fridaysjonas Das finden wir von #HealthForFuture sehr unterstützenswert, da aktive Mobilität besonders viele Vorteile im Sinne sogenannter #cobenefits bietet: Die Förderung von Fuß- und Radverkehr ist gut fürs Klima, reduziert die Luftverschutzung und ist durch mehr aktive Fortbewegung sehr gut für die #Gesundheit!
#healthforfuture #cobenefits #Gesundheit
"We sit with the #farmers and build the corresponding #blockchain applications together," says Stefan Fölser, cofounder of CarboFarm in #Hungary in our interview:
CarboFarm aims to deliver #token economics in such a way that there will be an incentive for the farmers aside from certificates, by valueing the #cobenefits of carbon #farming beyond #soil #carbon like #biodiversity and #water infiltration.
image CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 proofingfuture.eu
#water #biodiversity #carbon #soil #farming #cobenefits #token #hungary #blockchain #Farmers