"Hello baby, you are worth your weight in gold!".....
The scanning tedium commences, thankfully I have The Smashing Pumpkins keeping me company.....
#BelieveInFilm #Photography #Scanner #ScanningTedium #CochlearImplant
#believeinfilm #photography #scanner #scanningtedium #cochlearimplant
@hn50 my next door neighbor has a #Cochlearimplant and she's right on the edge of financially functional, she need help buying cat food and litter fairly often. When her batteries run out she has auditory hallucinations and ends up back in the ER so, given the sociopathic capitalism we have in the US and her medicaid, failing to keep her technically up to snuff literally hurts us all.
Number 61 of 150
Starting a new batch. This round will be 15 illustrations of diverse people with various visible disabilities... [Continued in First Comment]
Source: https://karenbjones.com/2023/04/23/number-61-of-150/
#artsample #cartoon #child #childrensillustration #cochlearimplant #color #commission #deaf #digitalart #disabled #drawing #girl #hearingimpaired #hispanic #illustration #illustrator #isolatedonwhite #karenbjones #latina #latine #latinx #LearningAZ #music #standingpose #tambourine #visibledisability
#artsample #cartoon #child #childrensillustration #cochlearimplant #color #commission #deaf #digitalart #disabled #drawing #girl #hearingimpaired #hispanic #illustration #illustrator #isolatedonwhite #karenbjones #latina #latine #latinx #learningaz #music #standingpose #tambourine #visibledisability
Kuuntelin juuri 2,5 tunnin pituisen #Youtube-podcastin.
Ei kuulosta kovin kummoiselta monen kuulevan mielestÀ, mutta minulle se on ihan hullu juttu. Ja vielÀkin jaksaa hÀmmÀstyttÀÀ.
Ei ole itsestÀÀnselvÀÀ, ettÀ syntymÀstÀ asti vaikeasti huonokuuloinen, eli lÀhes tÀysin kuuro pystyisi kuuntelemaan podcasteja niin, ettÀ ymmÀrtÀisi jokaisen sanan, jonka puhuja sanoo ÀÀneen.
SisÀkorvaistutteet ovat tehneet tÀstÀ mahdollisen ja olen vuosia harjoitellut kuuntelemista hurjan paljon juurikin Youtuben avulla.
#sisÀkorvaistute #CochlearImplant #HearingLoss #HearingImpaired #huonokuuloinen #kuuro #deaf #deafblind #kuurosokea #kuulonÀkövammainen
#youtube #sisakorvaistute #cochlearimplant #hearingloss #hearingimpaired #huonokuuloinen #kuuro #deaf #deafblind #kuurosokea #kuulonakovammainen
Visual Ear Demonstrates How The Cochlear Works https://hackaday.com/2023/04/02/visual-ear-demonstrates-how-the-cochlear-works/ #CochlearImplant #Teensy4.0 #cochlear #innerear #ws2812b #News #ear
#cochlearimplant #Teensy4 #cochlear #innerear #ws2812b #News #ear
Visual Ear Demonstrates How The Cochlear Works - The cochlear is key to human hearing, and it plays an important role in our unders... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/02/visual-ear-demonstrates-how-the-cochlear-works/ #cochlearimplant #teensy4.0 #cochlear #innerear #ws2812b #news #ear
#ear #news #ws2812b #innerear #cochlear #teensy4 #cochlearimplant
I heard about this amazing project today on a BBC program on the radio today. As a deafie myself (with cochlear implants, that's how I 'heard' it) I'd love to see these initiatives increase globally! Such inspiring people!
#deaf #cochlearimplant #uganda
How Ugandaâs Silent CafĂ© Is Changing Deaf Culture â African Vibes
#deaf #cochlearimplant #uganda
@shiruken Really great to see Cochlear Americas is working with these businesses for their #BAHA and #CochlearImplant! Great news for patients.
CI-UnterstĂŒtzung: Amazon streamt Audioinhalte direkt ins Innenohr
Der OnlinehĂ€ndler Amazon baut die Bedienungshilfen seines Streaming-Produktes Amazon Fire TV weiter aus. Nachdem Amazon bereits im vergangenen April die Möglichkeit einfĂŒhrte, die Audiospuren beliebiger Video-Inhalte nicht nur an Lautsprecher und Soundsysteme zu ĂŒbertragen, sondern diese auch an kompatible Bluetooth-HörgerĂ€te zu senden, folgt heute die zweite Ausbaustufe. Ein Cochlea-Implantat So hat das Team hinter dem [âŠ]
#News #Amazon #cochlearimplant #firetv #horgerat
It was an honor to join Dr. René Gifford on This Week in Hearing to talk about our clinical trial on whether donepezil can improve #cochlearimplant outcomes. Check it out to learn more about using #neuroplasticity to treat hearing loss! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28Cg5FAQZ7U
#cochlearimplant #neuroplasticity
@aroonsirimd This is important for #CochlearImplant evaluations, too, especially as we implant older and older adults to try to address/prevent dementia. We're coming around to the concept of "frailty," and that can be a better criteria for determining surgical candidacy. I've had patients in their 40's who've been poor candidates and 80/90+ who are ideal.
@Ear_bele I may need a #cochlearimplant someday, and I wanted to ask an expert about an idea that's been stuck in my brain for months, because I know very little about the mechanics of implanting CIs. Do you think the tech showcased in this video, if the physics still work out at such small scales, could be useful in developing better cochlear implants, perhaps in conjunction with the kind of electrodes used in brain implants? Has anyone researched this? https://youtu.be/qevIIQHrJZg
This article on #CochlearImplant argues postop antibiotics do not meaningfully change post-op infection rates within 2y of surgery.
I included it in our #otology/#neurotology journal club tomorrow because it argues for a different position than what I do. Minor quibbles aside, I found the article convincing. Particularly during a post- #COVID abx shortage, I think I have to abandon postop abx except in select otology cases.
#MedMastodon #Covid #Otology #cochlearimplant
"Good [#CochlearImplant] audiologic outcomes in the setting of cochlear fibrosis can be achieved and are independent of technique. Instead, they vary with time to implantation. Every attempt should be made to intervene as early as possible."
I have current research in #CochlearImplant, #TBI, #NoiseInduced #HearingLoss in an #ovine model, #Encephalocele repair, and otic organoids, and I have recent publications in #Stapedectomy/ #Stapedotomy, #VestibularSchwannoma/ #AcousticNeuroma, #LabyrinthitisOssifcans, #Tympanoplasty, #COVID, and #ResidentEducation. Iâve been known to do my own #MedicalIllustration and stats for publications, too. 2/3
#medicalillustration #residenteducation #Covid #tympanoplasty #labyrinthitisossifcans #AcousticNeuroma #VestibularSchwannoma #stapedotomy #stapedectomy #encephalocele #ovine #hearingloss #noiseinduced #tbi #cochlearimplant
Decided to keep a record of my #cochlear implant journey. If Interested pls visit https://wp.electrifyingcloud.com/ #cochlearimplant #SSD #SSHL #tinnitus
#cochlear #cochlearimplant #ssd #sshl #tinnitus
Luukku 14
PĂ€tkis pt. en muista monesko.
PS. KĂ€vi sellainen hauska juttu. Luulin unohtaneeni keittiön työtasolle sisĂ€korvaistutteen mokkasĂ€vyiset akut. đŠ» LĂ€hempi tarkastelu eli silmĂ€lasien laittaminen pÀÀhĂ€n paljasti kohteen ihan muuksi, pĂ€tkishĂ€n se siinĂ€ olikin pĂ€tkittynĂ€ đ€Żđ€đ€đ€Ł
#sisÀkorvaistute #CochlearImplant #akku #battery #suklaa #chocolate #PÀtkis #Fazer #apuvaline #kuulolaite #kuulovamma #nÀkövamma
#sisakorvaistute #cochlearimplant #akku #battery #suklaa #chocolate #patkis #fazer #apuvaline #kuulolaite #kuulovamma #nakovamma
Unsere Praktikantin @nele, die gerade ihr Praxissemester bei uns ableistet, gibt einen spannenden Einblick in ihre FM-Anlage, die ihr in Projekten oder Sitzungen hilft, akustisch herausfordernde Situationen zu meistern: https://www.filmreflex.de/2022/12/07/was-ist-eine-fm-anlage/
#flexklusion #cochlearimplant #hörbehindert #deaf #FMAnlage #digitaleTeilhabe #Barrierefreiheit #Phonak
#flexklusion #cochlearimplant #horbehindert #deaf #fmanlage #digitaleteilhabe #barrierefreiheit #phonak
Taustatieto: Olen koko ikĂ€ni pelannut satoja pelejĂ€ ilman ÀÀniĂ€ sattuneesta syystĂ€ ja eikĂ€ se ole ollut ongelma. đŠ» đ§ââïž
#Zeldabotw on ainoa peli, jota en ole pystynyt kerta kaikkiaan pelaamaan ilman ÀÀniĂ€. Se on vain yksinkertaisesti aivan liian vaikeaa! đ€Ż
#kuulovamma #kuulovammainen #kuuro #sisÀkorvaistute #pelaaminen #cochlearimplant #gaming #deaf
#deaf #gaming #cochlearimplant #pelaaminen #sisakorvaistute #kuuro #kuulovammainen #kuulovamma #zeldabotw #funfact