«The Covid mask wars have left us unprepared for the next pandemic» #CochraneStudy #Masking #PublicHealth #Misinformation #Disinformation #Analysis #CriticalThinking #MediaLiterarcy https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2023/3/8/23630644/cochrane-review-masks-covid-coronavirus-pandemic
#publichealth #misinformation #disinformation #analysis #criticalthinking #medialiterarcy #cochranestudy #masking
' The overselling of the Cochrane study is a classic example of cherry-picking , where biased groups highlight a subset of data that support their position, while ignoring the larger pool of evidence that disagrees with them. Many direct studies in labs show that high-quality masks significantly reduce the number of viral particles mask-wearers inhale and emit, but these are intentionally omitted [by] anti-maskers. '
#cherrypicking #cochranestudy #masking #COVID19