"Since January, the #BaltimoreCounty Police Department has taken reports in two precincts (#Cockeysville and #Parkville) regarding literature left in neighborhoods. In some cases, the #propaganda had an #antisemitic tone to it. As detectives investigate this national trend, they ask anyone with information concerning these cases to contact 410-307-2020." https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/departments/police/news/2023/06/21/detectives-investigate-incident-in-cockeysville-and-parkville
#baltimorecounty #cockeysville #parkville #propaganda #antisemitic
#BOLO #BaltimoreCounty :baltco: #Maryland #Cockeysville David Emory Linthicum. 24-year-old white male with long auburn colored hair, brown eyes, and a beard. Last seen wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and black pants. His appearance has changed since this picture was taken. He is armed and dangerous. If seen please contact 911.
#bolo #baltimorecounty #maryland #cockeysville