#5yrsago #Venmo’s “public by default” transactions reveal drug deals, breakups, more https://22-8miles.com/public-by-default/
#5yrsago Pounded in the butt by my own #DarkSEO: the weird, true story of #Cockygate https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/16/17566276/cockygate-amazon-kindle-unlimited-algorithm-self-published-romance-novel-cabal
#5yrsago Portuguese translation of Zuck’s Empire of Oily Rags https://memex.craphound.com/2018/07/16/portuguese-translation-of-zucks-empire-of-oily-rags/
#5yrsago The MEP behind Europe’s proposed #CopyrightCensorship proposal can’t explain all the copyrighted images in his social media https://www.techdirt.com/2018/07/16/guy-charge-pushing-draconian-eu-copyright-directive-evasive-about-his-own-use-copyright-protected-images/
#5yrsago #venmo #darkseo #cockygate #copyrightcensorship
#5yrsago #Efail: instructions for using #PGP again as safely as is possible for now https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/05/how-turn-pgp-back-safely-possible
#5yrsago @eff on #Cockygate: trademark trolls vs romance literature https://www.eff.org/takedowns/author-trademarks-cocky-earns-ire-romance-writers-everywhere
#1yrago Apple's Cement Overshoes https://pluralistic.net/2022/05/30/80-lbs/#malicious-compliance
#5yrsago #efail #pgp #cockygate #1yrago
Holy crap.
Faleena Hopkins, the romance author behind #Cockygate, was in a high-speed chase and is now a missing person and I don't know how to process this.
#romancelandia #romanceNovels #RomanceAuthors #AuthorsOfMastodon #AuthorsOfBookstodon
#authorsofbookstodon #authorsofmastodon #romanceauthors #romancenovels #romancelandia #cockygate
@eff That's an overreach that smacks of the #cockygate attempts to stifle competitors.
The transcript of the #cockygate hearing is unexpectedly entertaining. http://www.courtneymilan.com/cockydocs/I61RHOPM.pdf
Good news. Jason Kingsley will be updating the Rebellion trademark application so authors won't have to worry about using Rebellion in a book title:
https://twitter.com/RebellionJason/status/994872243690835970 #rebelliongate #cockygate
I'm just catching up on #cockygate, where one author has trademarked the word "cocky" in a romance series title and is catching a lot of criticism for the way she's handling things.
One of the most disturbing things is that a trademark was granted in the US for a single word commonly used in romance titles. It sets a bad precedent.