We had a fantastic time at #cocofest. A big thanks to everyone who worked hard to pull off a fantastic fest. Can’t wait till next year.
Only one week to go for #COCOFest. If you are in the Chicago area, why not stop by table 46 and 47 and say hi! Great deals and great retro computing fun! More info at https://www.glensideccc.com/cocofest/ #colorcomputer
Anywhere near the Chicago area? Then why not join us at #cocofest on April 22nd & 23rd. We will be there peddling our wares and generally geeking out. Stop in at table 46 and 47 and say hi! #colorcomputer
Anywhere near the Chicago area? Then why not join us at #cocofest on April 22nd & 23rd. We will be there peddling our wares and generally geeking out. Stop in at table 46 and 47 and say hi! #colorcomputer
Anywhere near the Chicago area? Then why not join us at #cocofest on April 22nd & 23rd. We will be there peddling our wares and generally geeking out. Stop in at table 46 and 47 and say hi! #colorcomputer