Just when you thought #Rudy couldn't possibly get any more #pathetic...
He's clearly losing his mind over being #coConspirator1 in the latest #Trump #indictment, and to cope with that disgraceful reality he decided to randomly attack the... #MattDamon? Lolwut? First, he used a #homophobic slur to describe Damon, then he claimed the actor is 5'2", as if his height was something shameful. And BTW, Damon is 5'10". Rudy, on the other hand is 5'9β! π€£
#rudy #pathetic #coconspirator1 #trump #indictment #mattdamon #homophobic
Rudy Colludy (aka Co-conspirator 1) sounds a bit desperate in the aftermath of the latest Trump indictment. I really hope Smith ends up indicting him, as well. He's got the residue of crime all over his hair-dye-covered fingers.
#TrumpIndictment #TrumpLies #RudyGuiliani #drunkenRudy #FourSeasonsTotalLandscaping #coconspirator1
#trumpindictment #TrumpLies #rudyguiliani #drunkenrudy #fourseasonstotallandscaping #coconspirator1
Here are the #Trump #CoConspirators described in the #DOJ #indictment
#CoConspirator1 #Giuliani
#CoConspirator2 #Eastman
#CoConspirator3 #Powell
#CoConspirator4 #Clark
#CoConspirator5 #Chesebro
Iβm wondering if #CoConspirator6 is Rep #ScottPerry of #Pennsylvania who introduced #JeffClark to Trump.
#Indictment #Conspiracy #Obstruction #democracy #autocracy #kleptocracy #Jan6 #Law #legal #DOJ #JackSmith
#trump #coconspirators #doj #indictment #coconspirator1 #giuliani #coconspirator2 #eastman #coconspirator3 #powell #coconspirator4 #clark #coconspirator5 #chesebro #coconspirator6 #scottperry #pennsylvania #jeffclark #conspiracy #obstruction #democracy #autocracy #kleptocracy #jan6 #law #legal #jacksmith
#RudiGuiliani #CoConspirator1
#JohnEastman #CoConspirator2
#SydneyPowell #CoConspirator3
#JeffreyClark #CoConspirator4
#KevinChesbro #CoConspirator5
#TBD #CoConspirator6
Sooo #RogerStone???
#rudiguiliani #coconspirator1 #johneastman #coconspirator2 #sydneypowell #coconspirator3 #jeffreyclark #coconspirator4 #kevinchesbro #coconspirator5 #tbd #coconspirator6 #rogerstone #j6bingo #trumpindictment3 #jan6 #fueledbylies #trumpcrimeboss