📬 YouTuber wegen Gameplay-Video-Streamings zu Haft verurteilt
#Rechtssachen #Streaming #AsahiShimbun #BezirksgerichtSendai #CODA #FairUseDoktrin #GameplayVideo #Steins;Gate #YouTuber https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/streaming/youtuber-wegen-gameplay-video-streamings-zu-haft-verurteilt-280348.html
#Rechtssachen #streaming #asahishimbun #bezirksgerichtsendai #coda #fairusedoktrin #gameplayvideo #steins #youtuber
"CODA" by R.PINHAS and MERZBOW, by MERZBOW and Richard PINHAS- https://richardpinhas-heldon.bandcamp.com/album/coda-by-r-pinhas-and-merzbow?from=embed
"Coda" by R.Pinhas and Merzbow: a powerful collaboration between two titans of experimental music. A dense, chaotic mix of sonic textures and abstract soundscapes, a sonic journey through the avant-garde and noise. #experimentalmusic #avantgarde #noise #coda #RPinhas #Merzbow
#experimentalmusic #avantgarde #noise #coda #rpinhas #merzbow
Welcome to the #CoDa rabbit hole, by the way! 😁
Hope this clears up the key things for what you're working on at the moment.
A quotation from Euripides:
There be many shapes of mystery.
And many things God makes to be,
Past hope or fear.
And the end men looked for cometh not,
And a path is there where no man thought.
So hath it fallen here.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #coda #divinepower #divinewill #expectations #fate #gods #moral
#quote #quotes #quotation #coda #divinepower #divinewill #expectations #fate #gods #moral
binnen het hardrock -en heavy metal genre.
Led Zeppelin blijft albums aan de lopende band maken, met als lijm binnen hun muziek #JohnBonham, die zowat de rol van Ringo binnen The Beatles vervult. De lijm tussen de bandleden.
Hij is één van de grootste drummers van zijn tijd.
In 1980 overlijdt John, na overmatig alcoholgebruik. Hij had oa een liter wodka uitgedronken.
Hij zal de meest gesampelde drummer in de rockscene worden oa door #TheBeastieBoys.
Led Zeppelin stopt en brengt postuum #coda uit
#johnbonham #thebeastieboys #coda
Optik hui, Story …
#Coda #BoomStudios #Comic #Comicbook #Comicbuch #Comics #Fantasie #Fantasiewelt #Fantasy #Hum #Lesen #MatiasBergara #Meinung #MichaelDoig #Quench #Review #Rezension #Ridgetown #SimonSpurrier #Serka #Wertung #Testbericht
#coda #boomstudios #comic #comicbook #comicbuch #comics #fantasie #fantasiewelt #fantasy #hum #lesen #matiasbergara #meinung #michaeldoig #quench #review #rezension #ridgetown #simonspurrier #serka #Wertung #testbericht
WinFuture | Riesenerfolg: Japans größte Manga-Piraterie-Seite muss schließen
#Manga #CODA #13DL
📬 13dl.to – größte illegale Manga-Website ging unfreiwillig offline
#EBooks #Rechtssachen #13dlto #Cloudflare #CODA #mangazipis #Shueisha https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/e-books/13dl-to-groesste-illegale-manga-website-ging-unfreiwillig-offline-275924.html
#Shueisha #mangazipis #coda #cloudflare #13dlto #Rechtssachen #ebooks
Immondizia: la filiera va colpita
alla testa, non solo alla coda
#pareridistorti #mantova #guidizzolo #immondizia #immondizie #scarti #packaging #filiera #colpite #testa #coda #materiali #impaccare #pacco #fotononmie #immaginidallarete
#pareridistorti #Mantova #guidizzolo #immondizia #immondizie #scarti #packaging #filiera #colpite #testa #coda #materiali #impaccare #pacco #fotononmie #immaginidallarete
Novo evento na #FLUP: Sessões #CODA | Data modelling and (failing) algorithms as reflective tools in humanities research. The case of 19th century newspapers and letter collections https://sigarra.up.pt/flup/noticias_geral.ver_noticia?p_nr=158745 https://dfaria.eu/news?hashtag=2023-05-24T00:00:03Z
Novo evento na #FLUP: Sessões #CODA | Data modelling and (failing) algorithms as reflective tools in humanities research. The case of 19th century newspapers and letter collections https://sigarra.up.pt/flup/noticias_geral.ver_noticia?p_nr=158745 https://dfaria.eu/news?hashtag=2023-05-23T12:15:02Z
📬 YouTuber wegen Spiele- und Anime-Uploads verhaftet
#Rechtssachen #Streaming #Anime #CODA #GameplayClips #Kadokawa #Nagoya #ShinobuYoshida #SpyxFamily #Steins;Gate #YouTube #YouTuber https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/streaming/youtuber-wegen-spiele-und-anime-uploads-verhaftet-275314.html
#youtuber #youtube #steins #SpyXFamily #shinobuyoshida #nagoya #kadokawa #gameplayclips #coda #anime #streaming #Rechtssachen
Kevin Smith is a national treasure #mentalhealth #traumaistrauma #coda #KevinSmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBvc7Ny4iUk&authuser=0
#kevinsmith #coda #traumaistrauma #mentalhealth
#AllStarTrek Wait 'till I tell they guys back at the office to not walk into the bright light upon death cuz it's just a freakin' alien parasite trap!
#StarTrek #StarTrekVoyager #Coda
#coda #startrekvoyager #startrek #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek Messed up way to die - right after your Talent Night performance. I'd be like, "No! This cannot be how I'm remembered!"
#coda #startrekvoyager #startrek #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek A place of joy and wonder? Like...like Minsk?
#coda #startrekvoyager #startrek #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek First thing Janeway should do once she gets back to reality is update the Dr's program NOT INVOLUNTARILY EUTHANIZE PEOPLE!!!
#StarTrek #StarTrekVoyager #Coda
#coda #startrekvoyager #startrek #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek How did Janeway get the phage if in the time loop where she was strangled by the Vidiians, she died? Oh, this plot makes no sense.😖
Quick, someone make a Rigel 7 reference to distract me!
#StarTrek #StarTrekVoyage #Coda
#coda #startrekvoyage #startrek #AllStarTrek
#TorrentFreak :
Operation Anime: Full Scale of Anti-Piracy Crackdown Revealed in Japan
https://torrentfreak.com/operation-anime-full-scale-of-anti-piracy-crackdown-revealed-in-japan-230422/ #TakedownsandSeizures #Operation404 #Anti-Piracy #Brazil #anime #japan #CODA
#torrentfreak #takedownsandseizures #operation404 #anti #brazil #anime #japan #coda