Who'all's got a cool #Codeberg static homepage or website? (... or, okay, fine, #GitHub page, y'all can play, too).
I don't mean fancy-amazing-professional websites ... I mean fun, retro, eclectic, "this is my gameroom" kinda sites. I'm looking for old-school, pre-Facebook (hell, pre-MySpace) stuff. When real nerds still ruled the Internet.
Bonus points if you built it yourself from scratch, but #StaticSiteGenerator|s like #Hugo totally count, too.
I don't have a cool one, yet, but I'ma go ahead and throw @Wuzzy under the bus as an example of what I'm talkin' about.
And for those of you that didn't know ... if you have a Codeberg (or GitHub) account ... *you have your own personal website*, too. Free. Complementary. Just waiting for you to put stuff on it.
How cool is that?!
#codebergpages #codeberg #github #staticsitegenerator #hugo
Huch! Codeberg ist offline, inklusive #CodebergPages-Dienst. Darum ist auch Grammle vorübergehend nicht erreichbar. 😕
Ihr könnt den Status von #Grammle hier überprüfen: https://status.grammle.de
Und hier den Status von #Codeberg: https://status.codeberg.org/status/codeberg
#codebergpages #Grammle #codeberg
Oh, no! #Codeberg is down, including #CodebergPages :(
Therefore, @grammle and #ForGoodEyesOnly are offline as well. You can check their statuses here as well:
🔗 https://status.grammle.de
🔗 https://status.forgoodeyesonly.eu
#ForGoodEyesOnly #codebergpages #Codeberg
Looks like it should work. On #CodebergPages which offers a similar service i need to push a specific branch ("pages") though. Maybe check that aswell.
Glad more folks pick up #Codeberg and especially #CodebergPages to host their sites.
So pleased with my #mdBook progress:
I have my #Markdown sources under #Git version control on #Codeberg at https://codeberg.org/SustainableSailing/SustainableSailing
The rendered HTML is on #CodebergPages at https://sustainablesailing.codeberg.page/
The edit cycle is simple. Save, Commit, Sync the sources. Then build the HTML. Copy the files to the pages repository, Commit and Sync. I have a 3 line script to do the build & copy.
I have plug-ins for wordcount, Admonish tags and to generate pdf's and epud all working 😃
#mdbook #markdown #git #codeberg #codebergpages
@lewdum I too have my #codebergpages site up on a custom domain and its been working fine until the past couple of days and now I get Secure Connection Failed issues that were on and off Saturday and Sunday but today seem permanent. I can access it no bother using my username. codeberg.page without issue. Also the push times are increasing somewhat too ! @Codeberg
Schlechte Neuigkeiten: https://grammle.de ist leider wieder einmal offline, es scheint erneut Probleme mit #Codeberg Pages zu geben.
Angeblich sei die Domain nicht in der .domains-Datei spezifiziert. Tatsächlich steht grammle.de aber seit der Registrierung darin; dennoch wird der Inhalt vom Pages-Repo nicht ausgespielt. Woran könnte das liegen?
Thank you to @pavo
for bringing to my attention that there is an SSL error for a bad cert domain when visiting my site. This is a known issue and it should eventually resolve itself. The error also does not come up consistently across browsers
See the thread here: https://codeberg.org/Codeberg/pages-server/issues/146
If you want to use the source in #emacs #OrgMode just head to the #codeberg repository it is hosted on. The blog is generated directly off of it into a static page.
#emacs #orgmode #codeberg #codebergpages
#Emacs #OrgMode + #ReadTheOrg (#ReadTheDocs css) + #CodebergPages = ❤️
#emacs #orgmode #readtheorg #readthedocs #codebergpages
Over the past several weeks I've been redesigning my #techblog #site which I didn't touch for nearly a year!
- Scripted my own minimal #ssg (#staticsitegenerator).
- Wrote my own #html template(s) to use with #pandoc.
- Wrote my own #css that responds to your browser's viewport size and dark/light mode preference.
- Migrated sources to #codeberg.
- Adopted #codebergpages for hosting.
Give me a visit at https://maze88.dev !
#techblog #site #ssg #staticsitegenerator #html #pandoc #css #codeberg #codebergpages