Laravel × Codeception × CircleCI でユニットテストを導入・自動化するまでの話
#Laravel #CircleCI #codeception #ユニットテスト
#laravel #circleci #codeception #ユニットテスト
After crossbrowsertesting phasing over to bitbar, I've tried and evaluated browserstack, lambdatest and a few other similar tools. I did end up with a runner up Sauce labs, primarily due to better(for me) pricemodel. #browsertesting #codeception #laravel #symfony
#symfony #laravel #codeception #browsertesting
When I need to do this kind of refactoring:
I'm glad that I use value objects for identifiers, and that I have static analysis and automatic tests. #php #1jg #phpstan #codeception
#php #1jg #Phpstan #codeception
Can anybody try to explain to me what I need #codeception for? From my perspective it has no real advantages over using #PHPUnit with a few additional libraries. It just introduces more code that might fail or be unsupported in the future, requires quite a lot of boilerplate and there are probably far less developers knowing codeception than PHPUnit. And acception testing can be done with either of those, I don't see much value added here as well.
New Year, New Versions
#roboParacept #codeception #PHP
#roboParacept #codeception #php
First unit test failing with #codeception. Kind of prod that finally it shows something. It showed, though, that I should not rely on existing random data for my tests, because what? Yes, data kill disappear. Now I have to go back and learn the toolset and do it properly. :) #phpunit
The Workshop: Accept testing with Codeception - php[architect] Magazine April 2022
If you can’t test your legacy system than start with acceptance tests. You don’t must know the complex structure at start but you must be sure that everything is running after you have change something 😊🫣 #codeception #php #acceptance
Next Release published of #roboParacept
Helpful for Users which already use #codeception Version 5 but with PHP 8.0
Short news:
#PHP8 or above is required
consolidation/robo Version 4
For more info pls check the Changelog
#php8 #codeception #roboParacept
I’m happy to tweet that codeception/robo-paracept has reached the version 3.0.0
It supports now the newest #codeception with version 5.0
It requires the newest #PHP Version 8.1 and #robo 4.0
For more details check
Am 12. Juni findet wieder das #TYPO3-#Meetup #RheinNeckar in #Mannheim statt. Dieses Mal bei
Jetzt teilnehmen:
Es geht um #Testing mit #Codeception
#UnitTesting #BDD #TDD #E2E #PHP #CMS #rheinneckarrocks
#rheinneckarrocks #cms #php #e2e #tdd #bdd #unittesting #codeception #testing #mannheim #rheinneckar #meetup #typo3
Cool post on #testing #wordpress and #woocommerce sites with #codeception
#testing #wordpress #woocommerce #codeception
RT 17.12 - #GitLab Pipeline mit #Codeception Main talk - Live Coding Session local to live - Zuverlässige Acceptance, API und #phpunit Tests als Continuous Integration Workshop #php7 Training Open Source Community Event - vorbeikommen und teilen
#gitlab #codeception #phpunit #php7
RT ⚡️ Line-Up & location are set for our next #PHPUGDD #meetup - Come & join us for talks about testing with #codeception & static code analysis in #PHP hosted by on November 12, 2018. #RSVP
#phpugdd #meetup #codeception #php #rsvp