Loni mi vyšel článek v Heroine o mém osobním pohledu na kroužky programování. Se začátkem školního roku se možná někomu bude hodit. Ať už rodičům, nebo lektorům. https://www.heroine.cz/zeny-it/7677-u-budoucich-ajtaku-je-nejdulezitejsi-touha-nespokojit-se-s-prvnim-resenim-rika-lektor-programovani-pro-deti #codeclub
Get ready for Moonhack 2023: Bringing space down to Earth https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/moonhack-2023/ #codeclubaustralia #codeclub #moonhack #space
#codeclubaustralia #codeclub #moonhack #space
Turing Machine je moc pěkná #boardgame pro pokročilý #codeclub nebo partu programátorů. Jen mi teda ze začátku dala zabrat gramatika https://www.scorpionmasque.com/en/turingmachine
have been very much enjoying playing around with p5 / python graphics with our after-school robotics club. we've been following the #codeclub #python sessions from the #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi site specifically their python pathway.
here's my #trinket link with creative code from week 6 https://trinket.io/python/db4e5bb6f8
#codeclub #python #raspberrypi #trinket
Get ready for lift off! Moonhack registrations open 28.08.23. #CodeClub #Moonhack2023 https://moonhack.com/?utm_source=Moonhack%20Mailing%20List&utm_campaign=bf0781f59a-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2023_06_30_01_00&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_84b7b2bb64-bf0781f59a-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D
Dneska poslední kroužek v tomto školním roce. Chystal jsem si nějaké příklady s replikou #C64 a úplně zapomněl, jaké to bylo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnjg3G2gkok #codeclub
#microbit lavinový vyhledávač https://blog.zvestov.cz/software%20development/2023/05/30/microbit-lavinovy-vyhledavac.html?utm_source=mastodon #codeclub
To those here asking about learning basic python. I am sharing my blog post which demonstrates a basic function.
I don't think I need to pass the value of y to the function, nevertheless the program still works. If you keep y in place you can add a count to monitor what the loop is doing.
Stručný přehled hry Spintronics pro výuku elektrických obvodů na mechanických součástkách. Můžu vřele doporučit zvídavým dětem zvídavých rodičů. Ohledně škol nebo kroužků programování bych byl zdrženlivý. https://blog.zvestov.cz/software%20development/2023/02/28/mechanicke-obvody-spintronics?utm_source=mastodon #codeclub
Drobná aktivita do hodin informatiky nebo kroužku programování na pomezí fyziky. Jak vidět infračervené světlo a zjistit o jaký signál se jedná https://blog.zvestov.cz/software%20development/2023/02/28/videt-infracervene-svetlo.html?utm_source=mastodon #codeclub #IR
@4_d_4_m @simonzerafa @GossiTheDog
I offered assistance to our local school where I ran a #codeclub for 5 years.
They had an appointed external contractor that managed their internal networks, who was really shit, but appointed by their Local Education Authority and their hands were tied.
But yes, it sucks and is ultimately a victim of under-funding and going to the cheapest contractor.
Dělám přípravu na zítřejší #codeclub a vzpomněl jsem si na Tospaa. Novou verzi želv si určitě koupím, zatím není k mání, ale lze tisknout starou https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMXlZ767WVY
#introduction following move to mas.to.
Software engineer by trade. Mostly #web using #typescript, #python, #nodejs, #react, #reactnative and #cloud services. Deep interest in #cicd, #test and #automation.
Passionate about how we #learn and #teach, especially with young growing minds #stem / #codeclub.
Hobbyist with #dotfiles #commandline, #homelab (with #raspberrypi) and cultivating my #digitalgarden / #zettelkasten
#synth fan, personal creations mainly #glitch #punk #electronica.
#electronica #punk #glitch #synth #zettelkasten #digitalgarden #raspberrypi #homelab #commandline #dotfiles #codeclub #stem #teach #learn #automation #test #cicd #cloud #reactnative #react #nodejs #Python #typescript #web #introduction
@TeslaDuBois I used to run a #CodeClub for 9-11 year olds, and most of them found Python a challenge! If you haven't come across it, #Scratch is good for younger kids. These are the projects we did in code club https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/codeclub/scratch-module-1
Lovely thank you message from #CodeClub this week. Alt text was same colour as snow. Alt - Christmas snowy scene.
It's amazing and it's BACK! The #CodeClub I run with a friend at our local primary school starts up again this afternoon! We're going to get them started with an introduction to the #EnigmaMachine https://bletchleypark.org.uk/our-story/enigma/
We'll be using this fantastic Scratch Enigma emulator today as well: https://tinyurl.com/enigmaCC
#scratchcoding #stemkids #stem #enigmamachine #codeclub