Day Two of the #oldComputerChallenge: TeX/LaTeX works now (nearly) as I wanted it on my #Amiga 1000 (even with some of the more modern extensions, like koma script). Now I write some AREXX scripts to make it work seamlessly wit #Codecraft, the brilliant programming IDE by Cammilla Boemann!
#oldcomputerchallenge #amiga #codecraft
RT from meilily (@MeililyLi)
🥬To protect my just veggie from birds, I built a #tinyML Scarecrow that triggers buzz to scare them away when it detects their sound. It's built on @seeedstudio's #ATSAMD51 Wio Terminal & @EdgeImpulse powered #Codecraft.
📖@Hacksterio: @MicrochipMakes
Original tweet :
Possibly a crazy fever dream…but isn’t applying Single Responsibility Principle, and constraining function to a tightly coupled set of boundaries a similar concept to limiting work in progress? 🤔
I thought that I support the small team behind #codecraft on #amiga by buying the box. Remember that it is #opensource and they surely are happy by any kind of support. Maybe I can provide a demo template (though in C) to the project.
Just picked up my #CodeCraftConf tickets! Fri 20th Sep
#coding #codecraft
#codecraft #coding #codecraftconf