How are you using #AI to help you in your job?
With almost daily new product launches in the AI space, there's a lot of new tools out there.
For me, I'm using it for solving coding issues, understanding error messages and getting inspiration.
What are you using it for?
#AI #newtools #codingproblems #codelife
"I write the code." "I run the code." "I have a bug." "I have a ... feature." #CodeLife
Maximizing Your App Performance with Azure Kubernetes Ingress Controller
Kubernetes has revolutionized the way we manage containerized applications, making it easier than ever to deploy, scale, and manage complex microservices architectures. But while Kubernetes provides a powerful platform for running applications, it can be
#linux #programming #opensource #coding #devlife #computerscience #programmer #terminal #ubuntu #python #codelife #linuxlove #codingcommunity #hacking #opensourcecommunity #codinglife #geek #tech #programmerlife #linuxuser #linuxdeveloper
#linux #programming #opensource #Coding #devlife #computerscience #programmer #terminal #ubuntu #python #codelife #linuxlove #codingcommunity #hacking #opensourcecommunity #codinglife #geek #Tech #programmerlife #linuxuser #linuxdeveloper
Everything is taking long than usual because I’m using Bulma whilst learning it so I keep having to refer back to the documentation but at this point I’m starting not to like Bulma but I wanted to try it because I thought “Can’t be using Bootstrap 5 all the time, time to expand out”, well no, time to contract back into my comfort bubble and go back to Bootstrap 5. I’ll try Bulma tomorrow one more time, if I fail I’ll delete the frameworks code and I’ll start again with adding Bootstrap 💻👍🏾
#linux #programming #opensource #coding #devlife #computerscience #programmer #terminal #ubuntu #python #codelife #linuxlove #codingcommunity #hacking #opensourcecommunity #codinglife #geek #tech #programmerlife #linuxuser #linuxdeveloper
#linux #programming #opensource #Coding #devlife #computerscience #programmer #terminal #ubuntu #python #codelife #linuxlove #codingcommunity #hacking #opensourcecommunity #codinglife #geek #Tech #programmerlife #linuxuser #linuxdeveloper
#coding #codinglife #codingisfun #codingbootcamp #codingmemes #creativecoding #codingforkids #codingdays #codingpics #htmlcoding #learncoding #codingquotes #codinglove #codingtips #codingclass #linux #coder #programming #javascript #programmers #webdeveloper #programmer #softwareengineer #computerscience #software #machinelearning #softwaredevelopment #programminglife #linux #programming #opensource #coding #devlife #computerscience #programmer #terminal #ubuntu #python #codelife #linuxlove #codingcommunity #hacking #opensourcecommunity #codinglife #geek #tech #programmerlife #linuxuser #linuxdeveloper
#Coding #codinglife #codingisfun #codingbootcamp #codingmemes #creativecoding #codingforkids #codingdays #codingpics #htmlcoding #learncoding #codingquotes #codinglove #codingtips #codingclass #linux #coder #programming #JavaScript #programmers #webdeveloper #programmer #softwareengineer #computerscience #software #MachineLearning #softwaredevelopment #programminglife #opensource #devlife #terminal #ubuntu #python #codelife #linuxlove #codingcommunity #hacking #opensourcecommunity #geek #Tech #programmerlife #linuxuser #linuxdeveloper
[AWESOMEWM] Some stuff used previously but THIS IS THE SPACE INVADER RICEE
#linux #programming #opensource #coding #devlife #computerscience #programmer #terminal #ubuntu #python #codelife #linuxlove #codingcommunity #hacking #opensourcecommunity #codinglife #geek #tech #programmerlife #linuxuser #linuxdeveloper
#pythonprogramming #javascript #codingcommunity #webdevelopment #machinelearning #artificalintelligence #programminglife #hacking #patternhacking #biohackingsuccess #hackingorsecurity #developer #python #programming
#linux #programming #opensource #Coding #devlife #computerscience #programmer #terminal #ubuntu #python #codelife #linuxlove #codingcommunity #hacking #opensourcecommunity #codinglife #geek #Tech #programmerlife #linuxuser #linuxdeveloper #pythonprogramming #JavaScript #webdevelopment #MachineLearning #artificalintelligence #programminglife #patternhacking #biohackingsuccess #hackingorsecurity #developer
[Netbook] Boss came around with this devious machine
#pythonprogramming #javascript #codingcommunity #webdevelopment #machinelearning #artificalintelligence #programminglife #hacking #patternhacking #biohackingsuccess #hackingorsecurity #developer #python #programming
#linux #programming #opensource #coding #devlife #computerscience #programmer #terminal #ubuntu #python #codelife #linuxlove #codingcommunity #hacking #opensourcecommunity #codinglife #geek #tech #programmerlife #linuxuser #linuxdeveloper
#pythonprogramming #JavaScript #codingcommunity #webdevelopment #MachineLearning #artificalintelligence #programminglife #hacking #patternhacking #biohackingsuccess #hackingorsecurity #developer #python #programming #linux #opensource #Coding #devlife #computerscience #programmer #terminal #ubuntu #codelife #linuxlove #opensourcecommunity #codinglife #geek #Tech #programmerlife #linuxuser #linuxdeveloper
🚀✨Code like a poet: Keep it clean, keep it lean. Refactor, test, learn & glean! #DevWisdom #CodeLife #ProgrammingZen
#devwisdom #codelife #programmingzen
#introduction - Explaining complex topics in computer science, coding, hardware and all tech in easy terms for a wide audience - that's our goal! From the latest scientific breakthroughs to intricate technological concepts, we'll break it down in a way that's accessible to all. Stay tuned for fascinating insights that anyone can understand. #SimplifyingComplexity #ExpertExplanations #KnowledgeForAll
#introduction #simplifyingcomplexity #expertexplanations #knowledgeforall #codelife #hardwarehacks #programmingtips #techtalks #codecommunity #hardwareupdates #codingskills #techsavvy #hardwaretech
🔥 ¡Alerta! 🔥 Este sábado a las 11:30 AM hora española estaremos en directo en la plataforma Stereo hablando de #VirtualBox y cómo configurar y ejecutar máquinas virtuales y sus utilidades 💻 No te lo pierdas y aprende más sobre este interesante tema.
📢 Dale like, comenta y comparte esta publicación si te interesa el tema.
#Virtualización #Tecnología #MaquinasVirtuales #Informática #Tutorial #Programación #Tech #VirtualMachine #VirtualizaciónDeEscritorio #InstaTech #DesarrolloWeb #CodeLife #DevLife #Geek #Nerd #VirtualizaciónSegura #VirtualizaciónDeSistemas #SistemasInformáticos #VirtualizaciónDeRedes #InnovaciónTecnológica #StereoLIVE #OnlineLearning #LiveStreaming #StereoCommunity #VirtualizaciónEnLaNube #TecnologíaEnVivo #AprendizajeEnLínea.
#virtualbox #virtualizacion #tecnologia #maquinasvirtuales #informatica #tutorial #programacion #tech #virtualmachine #virtualizaciondeescritorio #instatech #desarrolloweb #codelife #devlife #geek #nerd #virtualizacionsegura #virtualizaciondesistemas #sistemasinformaticos #virtualizacionderedes #innovaciontecnologica #stereolive #onlinelearning #livestreaming #stereocommunity #virtualizacionenlanube #tecnologiaenvivo #aprendizajeenlinea
One of the worst mistakes of my career. I failed to manage up, got caught in the 'single metric bias' trap and publically shouted at an exemplary lead engineer.
I wrote up the story in the hope it helps anyone faced with the same situation avoid the same mistake.
#engineeringteams #engineers #CodeLife #agilesoftwaredevelopment #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #softwarequality #SoftwarePrinciples
#engineeringteams #engineers #codelife #agilesoftwaredevelopment #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #softwarequality #softwareprinciples
My #CocktailDev in progress. Starting the first Step with a minimum Scaffolding... #dotnet #CodeLife #softwaredevelopment
#cocktaildev #dotnet #codelife #softwaredevelopment