Building Up Unicode Characters One Bit at a Time - The range of characters that can be represented by Unicode is truly bewildering. I... - #peripheralshacks #truetypefont #codepoint #keyboard #unicode #binary #usbhid #glyph #utf-8
#utf #glyph #usbhid #binary #unicode #keyboard #codepoint #truetypefont #peripheralshacks
Nice little helper for when you see unfamiliar / ambiguous "#characters" in a text and want to see how their #CodePoint is officially called in #Unicode - can you tell an Em dash from an En dash just by looking at it? No matter what the font is?
Also works the other way around, e.g. try searching for "not equal".
#characters #codepoint #unicode
Der Wochenrückblick ist da: Kalenderwoche 2023-32. Heute mit #3DPrinting, #Pixelix, #Bikerouter, #ChatGPT und #GitHub #Copilot, #HomeAssistant, #Sudoku, #sips (/cc @haentz), #Codepoint, #Stromausfall und #USV (/cc @unixtippse), #Techno und etwas #Hugo Meta.
Hoffentlich frei von Rechtschreibfehlern hier zu finden:
#hugo #techno #usv #stromausfall #codepoint #sips #sudoku #homeassistant #copilot #github #chatgpt #bikerouter #pixelix #3dprinting
I've updated the Font Awesome 6 free and Google Material Design files.
Re. the Material Design duplicate issue #27: Google haven't fixed their code yet so for convenience I've added a workaround. The generator now excludes 'flourescent ec31'
#IconFont #CodePoint #Font #CPP #OSS #OpenSource #GoogleMaterialDefign #FontAwesome
#fontawesome #googlematerialdefign #opensource #oss #cpp #font #codepoint #iconfont