Swift support brings broader mobile application security to GitHub Advanced Security
Check it out! 👇
#Sast #MobileApplicationSecurity #GithubAdvancedSecurity #Codeql #CodeScanning #Security
#sast #mobileapplicationsecurity #githubadvancedsecurity #codeql #codescanning #security
Announcing the public preview of GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps
Check it out! 👇
#SecretScanning #GithubAdvancedSecurity #DependencyScanning #CodeScanning #Security #Product
#secretscanning #githubadvancedsecurity #dependencyscanning #codescanning #security #product
Manage your application security stack effectively with the tool status page
Check it out! 👇
#Sast #GithubAdvancedSecurity #Codeql #CodeScanning #Security
#sast #githubadvancedsecurity #codeql #codescanning #security
Multi-repository enablement: effortlessly scale code scanning across your repositories
Check it out! 👇
#securityoverview #sast #codeql #codescanning #security
Wow, #Sonatype hat echt ein neues Level von WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK erreicht.
Ich habe ein Repo mit XML Dateien. Und Sonatype beschwert sich fucking wirklich darueber, dass da ein "TrustFrameworkPolicy" root Element in den XML Dateien ist und kein "project" root Element und verreckt mit einer XmlPullParserException.
#sonatype #youhadonejob #wtf #wtaf #wtlaf #codescanning