new draft coauthored with
Carl Vander Maelen 🌞 everything you ever wanted to know about #codesofconduct in the #DSA (maybe? idk tell us if we missed something)
this is the short version of a longer WiP paper that we'll present at the #LAIRconference in Rotterdam next week, feedback extremely welcome!
#codesofconduct #DSA #lairconference
POGO - #ModelCode of #Conduct for U.S. #SupremeCourtJustices: "Of all the country’s state and federal courts, only the Supreme Court lacks a #codesofconduct. Instead, existing rules found in the U.S. Code provide standards concerning #financialdisclosures and #recusals. But this set of standards is limited. And compliance with them, along with all other decisions related to #ethical conduct, is left to each Justice’s discretion."
#modelcode #conduct #supremecourtjustices #codesofconduct #financialdisclosures #recusals #ethical
AO US Cts: "Judges, judicial employees nationwide are bound by #ethicslaws, prescribed #codesofconduct. These govern proper performance of official duties, limit certain #outsideactivities to avoid #conflictsofinterest. Under #JudicialConduct & Disability Act, chief judges and circuit judicial councils, & Judicial Conference of US when appropriate, investigate & resolve any submitted claim that judge “has engaged in conduct prejudicial to effective, expeditious admin of business of courts”
#ethicslaws #codesofconduct #outsideactivities #conflictsofinterest #judicialconduct
First #GDPR code of conduct was approved by data protection authority in Poland. The guide was written for small medicial facilities that are members of "Porozumienie Zielonogórskie" (Federation of Healthcare Employers’ Unions Zielona Góra Alliance): #CodesOfConduct #healthcare
#gdpr #codesofconduct #healthcare
As a long time (13 or so years 😱) user of the site that must not be named, what happened to it happened so gradually, I didn't see it until I came here.
Visibility became more important than credibility and reasoned discussion.
Speed became more important than accuracy.
Quantity became more important than quality.
I tried to keep to a better code of conduct. I failed at that. I don't want to here. I want. #mastodon #socialmedia #codesofconduct #betterworld #hope #DoOver
#doover #hope #betterworld #codesofconduct #socialmedia #Mastodon
By creating #hostile environments, disrupting career progression, and sowing distrust, these behaviors affect the integrity of scientific and medical practice. Improving #WorkplaceClimate requires effective policies and #CodesOfConduct as well as cultural change, and one way to do that is treat #harassment and other hostile behaviors with at least the same level of concern as data fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism.
#hostile #workplaceclimate #codesofconduct #harassment