Which of these two in #AlmostAlwaysAuto code? Is there a better variant?
#almostalwaysauto #cxx #programming #codestyle
Tabs vs Spaces Divorce: Judge Rules
#jokes #softwareengineering #codestyle #humor #tabsvsspaces
I was always a "One True Brace Style" person. I got kind of used to Allman using C# with OmniSharp so much this quarter and I don't hate it. Obviously it uses more lines, but sometimes it's a lot easier to read... My world no longer makes sense.
#cSharp #codeStyle
Do you do `return None` or just `return`? :)
#Python #CodeStyle #Programming
#python #codestyle #programming
I love #processWire but, at the risk of starting a flame war!, I am giggling at the use of tabs not spaces.
I've seen so much incorrectly indented code in third party modules because someone's used a mix of tabs and spaces where they presumably forgot, or couldn't see because in their editor n spaces looks the same as 1 tab etc.
#processwire #developer #codestyle
I like the good Rust style 🤗 Feeling at home with it.
If you're a programmer and you haven't seen it yet, go watch this talk on effective habits:
#programming #codeStyle
This is interesting: 🤔 https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/11krlmz/are_you_using_rubocopairbnb/
well, not just the topic but the content too.
#ruby #rubocop #codestyle
#Python #developers who use #PythonBlack to enforce all #code formatting, what do you think of this #CodeStyle? There are many ways I use non-"standard" formatting to help make code readable, and this is a good example.
My thoughts: when a project is large, you can't expect all contributors to be consistent: auto-formatting is worth it even for this code. Small projects that mainly mine, I avoid it and write like this.
#python #developers #pythonBlack #code #codestyle
#DZone #AgileZone "How To Keep Code Quality Under Control In 7 Steps" #Agile #Quality #CodeQuality #Code #Dev #CodeStyle #Design #Security #CodeCoverage #CodeReview ... https://dzone.com/articles/how-to-keep-code-quality-under-control-in-7-steps
#dzone #agilezone #agile #quality #codequality #code #dev #codestyle #design #security #codecoverage #codereview
#DZone #AgileZone "How To Keep Code Quality Under Control In 7 Steps" #Agile #Quality #CodeQuality #Code #Dev #CodeStyle #Design #Security #CodeCoverage #CodeReview ... https://dzone.com/articles/how-to-keep-code-quality-under-control-in-7-steps
#codereview #codecoverage #security #design #codestyle #dev #code #codequality #quality #agile #agilezone #dzone
Second, there is no place in any code style for the same expression to be written differently in different circumstances.
Third, the language provides you with a way to express your exact intent in this exact situation. Just use the tools you've been given, no need to invent some complicated rules.
It's just nonsense. Sorry, for expressing myself this way but I have no regrets.
#flutter #dart #codestyle
"I would prefer `==true` for condition while `?? false` for assignment" -- https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/61221#discussion_r567603984 -- man, are you for real?
It sounds to me like "let's not only do it the wrong way but let's do it deferent in different cases to make it also inconsistent".
This frustrates me on several levels actually.
First, there is no place for comparing a boolean expression to a boolean constant in any language under any circumstances even if the expression is nullable. ▶️