The great thing about platforms like #Codewars and #Hackerrank is that you can see when something like SQL has a built-in function to do what you coded.
The terrible thing about platforms like codewars and hackerrank is that you can see there was a built-in solution for the thing you just manually coded... 🥲
I just completed The Hashtag Generator on #CodeWars in #JavaScript
I've been playing on #codewars lately and it's fun
But most of the "top" solutions seem to be too clever to be readable
I prefer dumb code that everyone can read
🎉 I just completed "Convert A Hex String To RGB" on #CodeWars in #JavaScript
🎉 I just completed the "Product of consecutive Fib numbers" on #CodeWars in #JavaScript
Been doing a lot of python coding practice on Finished 4x 5kyu "katas" today, and 6x yesterday.
But somehow they haven't updated my stats yet...
Physician, heal thyself?
He saved others, himself he could not save.
You are like a doctor who has fallen ill himself and, in your distress, you cannot find the drug that will cure your own ailment.
#codewars #everythingislearning #continuousimprovement
Day 13 of #100DaysOfCode
Today I completed 4 #codewars challenges 🤘, my favorite one had me validate a sudoku dataset and make sure that all numbers 1-9 were present vertically, horizontally, and in a 3x3 grid!
⭐️ Sudoku Solution Validator
Day 12 of #100DaysOfCode
Today I have completed 2 #codewars #typescript challenges!
⭐️Format seconds into HH:MM:SS format
🌐 Human Readable Time:
⭐️Return the number of chars that reappear in a string
🌐 Counting Duplicates:
#100daysofcode #codewars #typescript
I am really enjoying this challenge so far, wish I had started it sooner! Looking forward to tackling more complex algorithms on!
Committing to doing at least 1 #codewars challenge a day as a part of #100DaysOfCode
I tried to make a new challenge(kata) for #codewars for the first time. It would be a good practice to make testing codes. All their challenges are created by the users.
Unfortunately, my "build stairs" challenge wasn't approved due to the duplication and the lack of random tests.
It might be hard to make a very new challenge since they already have a lot of collections. Hopefully, I can publish a challenge in the near future.
Committing to doing at least 1 #codewars challenge a day as a part of #100DaysOfCode
I've been going through the Odin Project, and I'm starting to lose #motivation. I like the idea of project based #learning but can't seem to get into it lately. Are #codewars or #hackerrank good resources to get some practice while changing the style of learning?
Part of the problem is that solving problems is interesting, but the #CSS seems so bland anymore. Should I just use some framework if I feel ok with the basics?
#css #hackerrank #codewars #learning #Motivation
I've been going through the Odin Project, and I'm starting to lose #motivation. I like the idea of project based #learning but can't seem to get into it lately. Are #codewars or #hackerrank good resources to get some practice while changing the style of learning?
Part of the problem is that solving problems is interesting, but the #CSS seems so bland anymore. Should I just use some framework if I feel ok with the basics?
#css #hackerrank #codewars #learning #Motivation