Energized by #GDCR19 giving you several new points of view on a seemingly small problem? You might enjoy the payoff from the larger investment of going on #CodingTour. Happy to chat about what it's like and how you can make it happen. https://schmonz.com/2019/11/19/manhattan-november-2019-global-day-of-coderetreat/
Ever wondered whether a #CodingTour is something you want to do? Or you're pretty sure you want to, but need help making it real?
Reminder: I went on tour last summer (https://schmonz.com/2018/09/15/coding-tour-summer-2018-conclusion/) and am happy to help.
Hey New York, get ready for "Strangle Your Legacy Code", as seen on my #CodingTour! The exercise centers on #MobProgramming, #LegacyCode, and #TDD. RSVP for February's #XP & #Agile Meetup: https://schmonz.com/talk/2019-nyc-february/
And limited availability for new clients: https://latentagility.com
#xp #codingtour #mobprogramming #tdd #legacycode #agile
New York people! Two weeks from today, a very special joint meetup of #CTO School and NYC #Lean/#Kanban:
"#MobProgramming for Non-Programmers"
As seen on my recent European #CodingTour!
Take this chance. Come play. Details: https://schmonz.com/talk/2018-nyc-october/
#coaching #tdd #xp #cto #codingtour #lean #mobprogramming #agile
I still seem to have a résumé. So now it's updated to mention #CodingTour: https://schmonz.com/resume
My #CodingTour has ended. We return to New York on Monday.
But first, my reflections on a very full summer in Europe: https://schmonz.com/2018/09/15/coding-tour-summer-2018-conclusion/
(And gratitude. Quite a bit of gratitude.)
#PairWithMe #MobProgramming #TDD #XP #Agile #Scrum #coaching
#codingtour #pairwithme #mobprogramming #tdd #xp #agile #scrum #coaching
On the new @agileforhumans with @ryanripley, @zachbonaker reframes what we're doing when we hire people, and I explain my #CodingTour: What was it? Why did I do it? How does it relate to my consulting practice back home in New York?
Back from post-#CodingTour vacation. Later this week I’ll post a wrap-up with reflections and learnings from the tour as a whole. Until then, if you’re interested in what it was like, there’s plenty to peruse: https://schmonz.com/tag/coding-tour/
Thanks for following along on my #CodingTour!
Here’s a coupon to get my Agile in 3 Minutes book for the lowest price Leanpub allows: http://leanpub.com/agilein3minutes/c/codingtour
Expires one week from today. Get your copy and tell your friends!
Just posted "Coding Tour Stop #4: @codecentric": https://schmonz.com/2018/08/31/coding-tour-stop-4-codecentric/
#codingtour #mobprogramming #pairwithme #tdd
What was it like on my fourth and final #CodingTour stop at codecentric AG in Nuremberg and Munich? Thorsten and @mrtn@social.linux.pizza joined me in reflecting on our week together. https://youtu.be/lnsrD6_KQRM #MobProgramming #PairWithMe #TDD
#mobprogramming #pairwithme #tdd #codingtour
It's time to cross the streams: #CodingTour + #TestingTour! Our guest star @lisihocke has arrived @codecentric to facilitate an exploratory mob session.
Slides and materials from “Strangle Your Legacy Code” for three simultaneous mobs at Munich Software Craft: https://schmonz.com/2018/08/30/munich-software-craft-august-2018-strangle-your-legacy-code/ #MobProgramming #LegacyCode #TDD #Softwerkskammer #CodingTour
#codingtour #softwerkskammer #mobprogramming #legacycode #tdd
One hour from now, for the first time ever, several simultaneous mobs will do the "Strangle Your Legacy Code" exercise: https://schmonz.com/talk/2018-muenchen/
#tdd #codingtour #mobprogramming #legacycode
Done! See how we did it, with lots of small commits, at @thbrunzendorf's repo: https://github.com/thbrunzendorf/scala-mars-rover-kata #TDD #PairWithMe #CodingTour
Wanna watch us pairing @codecentric on Mars Rover in Scala with property-based testing? Join https://t.co/so8rmCq0ug and maybe it'll work! #CodingTour
My experience, in brief, of #SoCraTes2018: https://schmonz.com/2018/08/28/socrates-2018/ #CodingTour
This Friday afternoon at @codecentric Munich, we’ll blatantly disregard Egon Spengler’s advice. Danger of total protonic reversal? Worth it. Stay tuned… #CodingTour
I knew I should have put up posters. Totally outclassed by this guy’s campaign. #CodingTour
Last week was #CodingTour stop 3 of 4. What was it like? Watch us talk about it: https://youtu.be/hgm4myAiNUE