Für gewöhnlich werden ja Codezeilen pro Tabulatortastendruck 4 Leerzeichen eingerückt. Bei #HTML isses aber scheint's üblich, nur 2 Zeichen einzurücken.
Kann ich meinem #VSCode #Codium irgendwie beibringen, das automatisch passend zu machen, je nach Datei(endung)? Oder kann ich das wenigstens einigermaßen komfortabel togglen?
#Codeschubse :boost_requested:
#html #vscode #codium #codeschubse
@mariusmichusch @crazy2bike @libreoffice @videolan @ubuntu ja, das geht locker.
Ich z.B. kann #Codium empfehlen und dazu raten Text in #Markdown und Tabellen als #TSVs zu layouten.
Wer #Pages von #Apple und #QuarkXpress kennt, der dürfte mit #Scribus ne Option finden die keine monatelangen #LaTeX-Büffelei braucht.
#Latex #scribus #QuarkXPress #Apple #pages #tsvs #markdown #codium
@anniethebruce @BathysphereHat Well, depending on how much of #VisualStudio you need, you may find #VSCode or #Codium to be sufficient, which both run natively on #Linux.
In terms of #OpenGL that is the default on #Linux, so it's a matter on the detailed Hardware in Question.
#VirtualBox does support #3D acceleration for guests so you may find that a #VM and a #SharedFolder between host and guest may provide you with a near-seamless setup.
#SharedFolder #vm #3d #virtualbox #opengl #Linux #codium #vscode #visualstudio
@flauschzelle good question.
Do you have some example I can shove into #PyCharm?
Otherwise I'd also look at #Codium's Extensions...
So I signed up for #codium as a free alternative to a #copilot (which I don't trust my saves a lot of googling then flipping between programming languages).
Codium signup bounces me to discord. I don't have a discord account so I think why not. So I go through a stupid ritual of captchas and recognising planets and verification emails and phone OTPs and discord creates an account an then immediately closes and blocks it because I broke their T&C's. So I still don't have a discord account and now they have alienated me.
Facebook, twitter, discord and maybe soon #reddit, the list is growing.
codium is looking useful and has their own #emacs plugin.
#codium #copilot #Reddit #emacs
I switched from #VSCode to the repackagment called #VSCodium because tracking is too hard to disable in VSCode. Unfortunately, you can not get advanced #Unity editor support for just any ole editor and Unity hard codes the binary name of VSCode in the official VSCode UPM. My fix to get Unity editor support on the Mac is to rename VSCodium to "code.app" and run #Codium command shell installer `Shell Command: Install` to handle the rename in the terminal. It should not be this hard.
#vscode #vscodium #unity #codium
Started the slow process of trying to move my VS Code writing environment over to Codium because... well, still bitter about Atom being killed but I really need to work on this novel.
Looks like every extension I've used so far is available except for "Auto Correct". Thankfully I haven't found a good "navigate to notes file" that I got addicted to, because that would be the hardest to move away from. As much as I like having F1
open up a character's file, Control-P character-name RET
works for the next year or so.
#Chromebook + #PHP + #Apache + #MySQL + #https + #PhpMyAdmin + #Chromium + #Codium + #VirtualHost
#chromebook #php #apache #mysql #https #phpmyadmin #chromium #codium #virtualhost
Si t'as un raspberry pi qui traine et que tu veux l'utiliser comme serveur perso pour un projet...
RT @laurentabbal@twitter.com
#Chromebook + #PHP + #Apache + #MySQL + #https + #PhpMyAdmin + #Chromium + #Codium + #VirtualHost
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/laurentabbal/status/1607230719910379520
#chromebook #php #apache #mysql #https #phpmyadmin #chromium #codium #virtualhost
Some one was asking me about #editors that are like #vi. Having used a lot of vi myself, I had no hesitation to suggest #vim or #gvim. But found this article later.
I also know #vscode or #codium( if you want pure #foss code) has vi plugins.
#foss #codium #VSCode #gvim #vim #vi #editors
Some one was asking me about #editors that are like #vi. Having used a lot of vi myself, I had no hesitation to suggest #vim or #gvim
I also know #vscode or #codium( if you want pure #foss code) has vi plugins.
and found this article later. Look like quite a lot of options.
#tools #coding #foss #codium #VSCode #gvim #vim #vi #editors
New #technote: setting up a #debian template for #Windows administration in #qubes #qubesos.
#remmina #powershell #pwsh #edge #chromiun #codium
Surprise, Microsoft's Linux teams don't talk to each other.
#technote #debian #windows #qubes #qubesos #remmina #powershell #pwsh #edge #chromiun #codium
[HowTo] El editor (IDE) 'pycharm' en Debian y derivados #sistemas_operativos #pycharm #idle #geany #atom #editor_de_texto #ide #programacion #python #bash #script #bash_scripting #markdown #texto #texto_plano #código #editor #gnu_linux #debian #vi #vim #nano #emacs #eclipse #sublime_text #visual_studio_code #vscodium #codium #vscode #netbeans https://hijosdeinit.gitlab.io/howto_IDE_python_pycharm/
#sistemas_operativos #pycharm #idle #geany #atom #editor_de_texto #ide #programacion #python #bash #script #bash_scripting #markdown #texto #texto_plano #código #editor #gnu_linux #debian #vi #vim #nano #emacs #eclipse #sublime_text #visual_studio_code #vscodium #codium #vscode #netbeans
[HowTo] El editor (IDE) 'geany' en Debian y derivados #sistemas_operativos #geany #atom #editor_de_texto #ide #programacion #bash #script #bash_scripting #markdown #texto #texto_plano #código #editor #gnu_linux #debian #vi #vim #nano #emacs #eclipse #sublime_text #visual_studio_code #vscodium #codium #vscode #netbeans https://hijosdeinit.gitlab.io/howto_editor_ide_geany_en_debian_y_derivados/
#markdown #vi #vim #nano #visual_studio_code #codium #geany #bash_scripting #netbeans #programacion #bash #código #vscodium #texto #texto_plano #editor #gnu_linux #debian #emacs #eclipse #sublime_text #vscode #sistemas_operativos #atom #editor_de_texto #ide #script
Giving #SublimeText a try over VS #Codium.
Not sure I like it yet, but I'll give it a fair shake.