I hate snipers so much, even if they're on my own team. If they start camping I will switch to another loadout with tactician on just to bury them in smoke grenades. #CoDMobile
@johnmacintosh Ich zocke da ja lieber zwischen durch mal eine Runde #CoDMobile 😜
#CODMobile, road to #GrandMaster. As you may know, I am a gamer at my core. I've been chronicaling my trip through the Master Ranks after the season reset. Here's my latest vid. I have more on my #YouTube channel.
As I work my way through the Master ranks, I have achieved Master V, and am on the precipice of Grand Master (fuck yeah). Broke Level 90, finally, and am on track to hit Grand Master Ranks in the next couple days. Hopefully there's enough time over the next month to get to #Legendary. Then, the fun really begins. Playing with and against the best of the best on the planet. Will I get there before next season? Check back next week to see how close I get 😁🎮
#codmobile #grandmaster #youtube #legendary
Working my way back to Master Rank in #CODMobile. Thanks to my badass @Samsung Galaxy S21 Plus 5G powered by the @snapdragon.social 888 is what gives me my edge on the mobile platform. Check out my #gameplay where I cross the threshold and once again become a #Master
#codmobile #gameplay #master #gaming #codmobilegameplay #gamergeek
I pretty much play every game as the hot scifi bisexual girl, if it has the option. #CoD #CoDMobile
Anyone still play CoD Mobile? I'm starting a new clan. #CoDmobile #callofduty #mobilegaming #mobilegames
#mobilegames #mobilegaming #callofduty #codmobile
How To SOLO Zombies Classic - Hardcore For Fastest Crate Farming - Call Of Duty: Mobile
#codm #CoDMobile #CODMobile #CODmobile #callofdutymobile #CallofDuty
#codm #codmobile #callofdutymobile #callofduty
Best M4 Build (Gunsmith) Season 1 2023 - Call Of Duty: Mobile
#codm #CoDMobile #CODMobile #CODmobile #callofdutymobile #CallofDuty
#codm #codmobile #callofdutymobile #callofduty
Best ASM10 Build (Gunsmith) Season 1 2023 - Call Of Duty: Mobile
#codm #CoDMobile #CODMobile #CODmobile #callofdutymobile #CallofDuty
#codm #codmobile #callofdutymobile #callofduty
Weapon Showcase - Type 25 - Deep Shark | Rare Camo | Call Of Duty Mobile
#codm #CoDMobile #CODMobile #CODmobile #callofdutymobile #CallofDuty
#codm #codmobile #callofdutymobile #callofduty
I did it! Maxed out Mythic Spectre T-3
#codm #CoDMobile #CODMobile #CODmobile #callofdutymobile #CallofDuty
#codm #codmobile #callofdutymobile #callofduty
I am really not having fun playing #FallGuys anymore. It really drained my mental energy. So now I got #CODMobile which I am really having fun playing, then I got #KartRiderDrift which is also fun, #fortnitegame which is alright, #PUBG which I really want to play more off and then #darkanddarker which I am really in love with. This year is gonna be a fun one.
#fallguys #codmobile #kartriderdrift #fortnitegame #pubg #darkanddarker
Best M13 Build (Gunsmith) Season 1 2023 - Call Of Duty: Mobile
#codm #CoDMobile #CODMobile #CODmobile #callofdutymobile #CallofDuty
#codm #codmobile #callofdutymobile #callofduty
The Rarest Gun In Call Of Duty: Mobile - ASM10 - Plasma
#codm #CoDMobile #CODMobile #CODmobile #callofdutymobile #CallofDuty
#codm #codmobile #callofdutymobile #callofduty
My loadouts from my OG account 🥵
#codm #CoDMobile #CODMobile #CODmobile #callofdutymobile #CallofDuty
#codm #codmobile #callofdutymobile #callofduty
Found my OG account!!!
#codm #CoDMobile #CODMobile #CODmobile #callofdutymobile #CallofDuty
#codm #codmobile #callofdutymobile #callofduty
Best SKS Build (Gunsmith) Season 1 2023 - Call Of Duty: Mobile
#codm #CoDMobile #CODMobile #CODmobile #callofdutymobile #CallofDuty
#codm #codmobile #callofdutymobile #callofduty
Best Kilo 141 Build (Gunsmith) Season 1 2023 - Call Of Duty: Mobile
#codm #CoDMobile #CODMobile #CODmobile #callofdutymobile #CallofDuty
#codm #codmobile #callofdutymobile #callofduty
Level 200 club 💥
Krig 6 Dark Matter 🔥
#codm #CoDMobile #CODMobile #CODmobile #callofdutymobile #CallofDuty
#codm #codmobile #callofdutymobile #callofduty