A new Cody Showdy!
#politics #uspolitics #dailywire #SomeMoreNews #codyjohnston #maga #breadtube
#politics #uspolitics #dailywire #somemorenews #codyjohnston #maga #breadtube
Would you like your news to be balanced and/or fair? I hear there's a TV channel for that.
For the other kind of US political coverage, #CodyJohnston just posted the first episode of #MoreNews: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBR_dcp38KA
Former #SomeNews host #CodyJohnston is back with #SomeMoreNews: https://www.patreon.com/codyjohnston
I expect more screamingly funny political news satire with better source references and critical analysis than any mainstream serious news show.
#somenews #codyjohnston #somemorenews