carmakers modifying EVs to meet Singapore's unique car categories to be sold at a lower price.
"Singapore is the only place in the world where the Hyundai Ioniq 5 is available with 107kW of power – lower than the 125kW version sold elsewhere.
The entry-level version was specifically created to fall below the Category A COE’s maximum power output threshold, which was revised up to 110kW from 97kW in May 2022."
#singapore #cars #certificateofentitlement #coe
Monitoring-Ausschuss des Kongresses im Europarat verabschiedet Potsdamer Erklärung
Mein vollständiger Bericht übere unsere Ausschusssitzung auf meiner Webseite:
#coecongress #coe #Europarat #europa #europe
"In late May, 2023, Dimitras learned via media reports that Greece’s Anti-Money Laundering Authority had ordered his assets frozen pending an investigation of alleged misuse of European Union and other funding related to his organization’s work.
The case against Dimitras is part of a wider pattern of smear campaigns and prosecutions of activists working with #migrants in #Greece that the Unite[d] Nations and Council of Europe bodies have heavily criticized". #UN #COE
#COE Conseil de l'Europe :
"France - Avis intérimaire sur l'article 49.3 de la Constitution, adopté par la Commission de Venise, lors de sa 135ème session plénière (Venise, 9-10 juin 2023)"
Affaire à suivre :blobglare:
T-minus one week!
One week from today I'll be taking the stage with @sqlchick to present a full-day pre-conference training session on Power BI adoption, building a data culture, and increasing organizational maturity. This session is for data professionals, leaders, and decision-makers who need to go from "using Power BI" to "thriving with Power BI" and who need to accelerate the return on their investments in data and analytics.
We've seen a spike in registrations in the last few days, but there are still seats available. If building a data culture, establishing and growing a center of excellence, enabling governed self-service BI, or driving digital transformation are goals you have for your organization or for your own personal career growth, we hope you'll register today and join us in New York next Friday!
#data #powerbi #career #training #analytics #digitaltransformation #leaders #dataculture #maturity #coe #centerofexcellence
#data #powerbi #career #training #analytics #digitaltransformation #leaders #dataculture #maturity #coe #centerofexcellence
Expert Group on #AI #Risk & #Accountabily To develop ‘trustworthy’, “responsible” or “ethical” AI systems, there is a need to assess impacts and manage AI risks. Over the past few years, there has been global convergence towards using – voluntary or mandatory – risk-based approaches and impact assessments to help #govern #AI. Major actors include the #ISO #IEEE), #NIST #CENCENELEC #EC #CoE #TTC and #RAIIWEF.
#ai #risk #accountabily #govern #iso #ieee #nist #cencenelec #ec #coe #TTC #raiiwef
RT @StephanIsrael
#Spain voted with #Serbia against #Kosovo's admission to the #CoE, unlike non-recognizers Greece or Slovakia. Spain takes over the EU presidency on July 1 and provides the EU's chief diplomat. @JosepBorrellF could not get Serbia to give up obstruction. He has also failed with his…
Today's the last day to save $50 with the discount code NYPIZZA when you join me and @sqlchick for our full-day training on Power BI adoption and data culture best practices. Use this link to register:
If you're wondering what this “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Adopting Power BI in Your Organization” session is all about, you can read more here:
#PowerBI #DataCulture #Adoption #BestPractices #CenterOfExcellence #COE
#powerbi #dataculture #adoption #bestpractices #centerofexcellence #coe
ICAO: A50833
First seen: 2023/03/25 14:26:39
Min Alt: 4893 ft AGL
Min Dist: 0.26 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Plädoyer für die Grundlagenforschung in Österreich
#clusterofexcellence #CoE @FWF_at #Forschung #Grundlagenforschung #Wissenschaft #Österreich #innovation
#innovation #osterreich #wissenschaft #Grundlagenforschung #forschung #coe #clusterofexcellence
Plädoyer für die Grundlagenforschung in Österreich
#clusterofexcellence #CoE @FWF_at #Forschung #Grundlagenforschung #Wissenschaft #Österreich #innovation
#innovation #osterreich #wissenschaft #Grundlagenforschung #forschung #coe #clusterofexcellence
Flt: #EJA773 #NetJets #COE-#JAC
First seen: 2023/03/08 16:40:53
Min Alt: 4875 ft MSL
Min Dist: 0.43 nm
#planefence #adsb -
#aa759b #eja773 #netjets #coe #jac #planefence #adsb
Not content with picking a legal fight with the EU, and losing, the English government could now be taking on the rest of the world. Will the UK be leaving the UN as well as the Council of Europe?
#refugees #eu #un #coe #echr #unhcr #refugeeconvention
Dokumentarfilm über Verbrechen des rus.Establishments in #Switzerland
Dank Zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagement kommt das an Oberfläche,was stets weltweit als Verschwörung relativiert wurde
Das ist kein Skandal sondern ein Verbrechen gegen Menschlichkeit!
Kremlin ist/war Mitglied bei
#UN #PEStrasbourg #OSCE #OECD #UNESCO #UNICEF #coe #ioc & bei anderen angesehenen Instituten, die Demokratie, Menschenrechte und das Völkerrecht hochhalten
#switzerland #un #pestrasbourg #osce #oecd #unesco #UNICEF #coe #ioc
RT @tsiskarashvili
Together w/ #CoE delegation just visited the occupation line in #Odzisi to eye-witness #Russia’s land-grabbing of 🇬🇪 territories & brutal consequences of #occupation
This photo captures the occupying power’s FSB base illegally stationed in occupied Tskhinvali reg of #Georgia
#coe #odzisi #russia #occupation #georgia
Disappointed by not surprised by the #CoE decision on #MarriageEquality. Had to choke down a barked laugh when a venerable went on about doing mawwiage the way its always been done. My literal brother in Christ, have you not heard of Henry the actual fucking Eighth?
"For two years, as observers of the Council of Europe (#CoE) expert group on AI, civil society participated in all of the meetings, contributed suggestions, and worked with others, including national delegations and the secretariat, to help ensure that the mandate was fulfilled. But now the Committee on AI, at the urging of non-Member States [--> the U.S.], has chosen to move the process behind closed doors." "Transparency is the foundation of democratic governance."
Welby ‘would rather see C of E disestablished than split over same-sex marriage’ | Anglicanism | The Guardian
"Welby replied that he would rather see the church disestablished than risk losing conservative groups within the global Anglican church, the Guardian has been told by people present."
Shame he won't back human rights, all to maintain his precious church.