I've been #coeliac all my life Shaun and was told cornflour contained about 5% gluten, whereas wheat contains #75%.
I suppose it depend on the level of sensitivity one has.
@andrasbacsai I was diagnosed with #coeliac disease back in 2020, and it was hard at first but the horror stories are not true (at least anymore). I can eat (AND ENJOY) a wide selection of breads, cakes, pastas and more.
There is very little I haven't found a good alternative to.
Dinner last night. Lamb neck chops on steamed, mixed vegetables and vermicelli. The gravy is a mix of honey, soy, oil and rice flour. A recipe made up by my hunny and mucked by me - I put twice as much soy sauce in than I should’ve. 🤦🏻♂️
Still tasted yum though!
#ShotOniPhone #iPhone14Pro #iPhoneography #glutenfree #coeliac
#shotoniphone #iPhone14Pro #iphoneography #glutenfree #coeliac
Dr Peter Osborne is an expert on #coeliac conditions. He has spoken at the Harvard Faculty Club, and the Founder of the Gluten Free Society in US.
Your call obviously, but people on the new Web are generally friendly and helpful, unlike the environment on the bird site.
Which is why I never trust commercially packaged #gf foods and only ever eat homemade stuff. I've been 'glutened' too many times: resulting in losing days of my life suffering the effects of serious poisoning.
Lifelong #coeliac
Seriously Tesco. This is seriously crap. Please share this, especially to any coeliacs.
V. slow progress re. coeliac diagnosis but v. clear insight into #UK #NHS direction of travel re. #privatisation:
1. If blood tests are positive, I'll be prioritised for gastro & skin biopsies;
2. If negative, despite 1st degree relative with #coeliac & all the symptoms, I'll have to wait (no idea how long);
3. If I have 'health insurance', I'll be fast-tracked: 1st time ever I've been asked if I have health insurance at #UK #GP #NHS
#uk #nhs #privatisation #coeliac #gp
I just watched the funniest #instagramreel of a self proclaimed #genxer yelling about how soft us #millennials and #GenZers are. And an example she used was "no gen Xer is allergic to gluten." As a #coeliac this made me laugh so hard knowing how genetic that is.... My mother is gen x and gluten intolerant 😂😂😂
#instagramreel #genxer #millennials #genzers #coeliac
I may have coeliac/gluten intolerance based on 1st degree reative (late mother) who had full-blown diagnosed coeliac disease for 15 yrs.
I have several symptoms (inc. psoriasis & IBS) but not all.
Currently trying to get tested in the #UK but #NHS is very reluctant right now to do anything for free unless patients are literally on their last legs.
I have been coping but am increasingly running out of strategies.
@geekysteven unless someone in the household is #coeliac because this contaminates the PB with gluten 😱
Went to a pub/restaurant for lunch. My #coeliac husband asked serving staff if they had a #GlutenFree menu.
Their response: "Is that potato?"
These foods used to be available on prescription. Gluten free diet is so often presented in the media as a lifestyle choice food fad. Gluten is not unclean at all for most of us, but it's poison if you're #coeliac!
A health condition should not be an opportunity for profiteering!
Likewise polenta (maize meal, corn meal). So useful, but hard to find free of potential cross-contamination with gluten and suitable for those on a #coeliac diet.
Quick gluten free cooking tip. To make decent gravy, slice up a peeled potato underneath your chicken. Pour the juices and potato into a blender. The potato will thicken the gravy nicely and provide a nice texture. So much nicer than weird GF flours. #coeliac #glutenfree #gf #cooking
#coeliac #glutenfree #gf #cooking
Gluten free pancakes, banana, nutella, black coffee. This is how the day starts. #coeliac
When it comes to #running, every month has its ups and down (and I’m not talking hills). Despite ANOTHER cold 🤧 (stupid germs) and a run in with gluten 🤢 (stupid #CoeliacDisease) I’ve not clocked-up as many KMs as intended (but happy nonetheless).
#running #coeliacdisease #ukrunchat #coeliac
#Subway is no longer going to serve gluten free bread.
That's another place I have to add to my ever growing "can't eat there" list.
With 1 in 100 people with coeliac disease in the UK, it's hardly a "rare" condition.
Don't know why we are always left behind.
#coeliac #coeliacs
Endoscopy today was unpleasant and I’m glad its over. The unit’s staff were kind and gentle, saw me through a panic attack before the procedure. The good thing is my guts are normal. No evidence of #coeliac disease. They’ve done a biopsy but need to wait for those results.
Yet, I’m pretty sure it’s a #gluten related issue. Been on a gluten-free diet for ten days and feel so much better. Back to GP and the clinician at Withington I expect, to try and work out what exactly is going on!