#religioustrauma is like chewing gum: Sticky, messy, & hard to remove. It is pervasive, impacting:
-mental health, and more.
Every religion has the potential to cause #religioustraumasyndrome. #psychology #cults #coercivecontrol #abuse #exchristian #atheist
#atheist #exchristian #abuse #coercivecontrol #cults #psychology #religioustraumasyndrome #ReligiousTrauma
‘He took every penny’: the women left with a debt mountain by coercive partners | Domestic violence | The Guardian
#CoerciveControl #DomesticAbuse #LawandOrder #DomesticViolence
#Criminology #Crime #FinancialAbuse #EconomicAbuse
#EconomicAbuse #financialabuse #crime #criminology #domesticviolence #lawandorder #domesticabuse #coercivecontrol
UK MPs warn against growing use of smart tech in domestic abuse | Domestic violence | The Guardian
#smarttech #domesticabuse #coercivecontrol #CultureMediaAndSportCommittee #TechnologyFacilitatedAbuse
Ep. 36 discusses the allegations by Sarah Brady that her ex-boyfriend and celebrity Jonah Hill emotionally abused her and dressed up the #abuse in #therapy language. Irina and Michelle analyze the difference between #boundaries and #coercivecontrol, the ways in which #boundary speak doesn't absolve the speaker of problematic values injected into requests (or demands), and the general current trends in distorting #psychological language to serve one's purposes. Tune in and join the discourse! 🤔🧠🚫
#abuse #therapy #boundaries #coercivecontrol #boundary #psychological
Behind every meme, there is a story. Some are innocent; others a tool for conflict. We delve into the darker side of viral humour and how memes are manipulated for memetic warfare. The battlefield is closer than one may think.
#Memes #MemeticWarfare #Disinformation #CoerciveControl #SocialMedia"
#memes #memeticwarfare #disinformation #coercivecontrol #socialmedia
.....wow. Fuck. I literally just watched this asshole in a documentary he directed about his work with his therapist last night. And I thought it was so nice and insightful.
But it sounds as if, like my ex, he's is one of those men who turns into a Therapy Guy because it offers him a gloss of right-sounding language with which to conceal that he treats women like shit. #CoerciveControl
If you haven’t seen Love? from Samantha Beckinsale then you need to. It’s SO powerful.
It’s streamable on Vimeo
#coercivecontrol #domesticabuse
1 of 53/ THREAD: #BodyLanguage Analysis No. 4701: #StevenCrowder's abuse, manipulation, and #CoerciveControl of Hilary Crowder (Trigger Warning)
#BodyLanguageExpert #EmotionalIntelligence #NonverbalCommunication #BehaviorAnalysis #HilaryCrowder #DARVO
#darvo #hilarycrowder #behavioranalysis #nonverbalcommunication #emotionalintelligence #BodyLanguageExpert #coercivecontrol #stevencrowder #bodylanguage
Olivia Colman domestic abuse interview: ‘Women are still expendable’ | The Independent
#domesticabuse #domesticviolence #coercion #coercivecontrol #women #men #Colman #tender #homocide #femicide #tyrannosaur #refuge #DomesticAbuseAct #hestia #kindness #Respect #equality #MenCanBeDomesticAbuseVictimsToo
Murdered man, 19, was too ashamed to go to police over ‘controlling and coercive’ girlfriend, mother reveals | The Independent
#domesticabuse #coercivecontrol #toxicrelationship #police #shame #embarrassment
There will be a nationwide UK Emergency Alert sent to all phones on Sunday 23rd April.
For many who have secret mobile phones - think domestic violence, abuse etc - this could be lethal.
Advice about what these alerts are and how to disable them can be found here:
#EmergencyAlert #DomesticAbuse #DomesticViolence #CoerciveControl
#emergencyalert #DomesticAbuse #DomesticViolence #coercivecontrol
RT @diemias_@twitter.com
Denken wir diesen Befund (#CoerciveControl = Folter) mit dem der #institutionelleGewalt an Familiengerichten zusammen, weil sie vorgefallene Gewalt nicht berücksichtigen, sondern per Beschlüsse sogar fortsetzen, wird es ungemütlich.
https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3814567 @NilsMelzer@twitter.com https://twitter.com/andrewcicchett1/status/1647225740616777729
#coercivecontrol #institutionelleGewalt
RT @diemias_@twitter.com
Mit der #LegalAbuse Scale (LAS) gibt es erstmals ein Instrument, das e. systematische Bewertung des #Rechtsmissbrauch|s in #Familiengericht|en als Form von #CoerciveControl gg Mütter ermöglicht. - Journal of Family Violence, Nr. 38 (2023), S. 527–542 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10896-022-00408-3 1/
#legalabuse #Rechtsmissbrauch #Familiengericht #coercivecontrol
April 10.
8 months, 3 weeks to go until I must haul arse out of here and get my life back
Escaping #abuse #CoerciveControl #NarcissisticAbuse
If there was more funding and services for this it might be a bit easier.
Good medical care might also be tops! Some of us are #disabled. That’s why I’m still stuck here.
#abuse #coercivecontrol #narcissisticabuse #disabled
This is a big move in the right direction. Equal shared parental responsibility has traumatised hundreds of thousands of children forced to stay with abusive parents.
Short version of #crowdfunding post. Please #boost!
👋🏻 👋🏻👋🏻
I need #help escaping an #abusive environment.
Government services aren’t sufficient and neither is my meagre income. I‘m #disabled by severe #ChronicIllness which makes it even harder. I can’t do this alone.
Any help is appreciated. After the past 2 weeks…it’s becoming unbearable.
If you can help:
Australians can save me fees (I get 100% of your donation) by using for free:
Username: @halcionandon
#Boost please!
Long version with more details: https://aus.social/@halcionandon/109322206417308941
You can also check my Masto & Twitter feeds for details of what’s been going on.
#MutualAidRequest #MutualAid #DisabilityCrowdfund #SevereME #pwME #MECFS #LongCovid #Covid #NEISvoid #ChronicPain #Migraine #Spoonie #CoerciveControl
#crowdfunding #boost #help #abusive #disabled #chronicillness #MutualAidRequest #mutualaid #disabilitycrowdfund #SevereME #pwme #mecfs #LongCovid #covid #NEISvoid #chronicpain #migraine #spoonie #coercivecontrol
RT @diemias_@twitter.com
Was dt #Familiengericht|e, Jugendämter & Politik bisher nicht begreifen: #CoerciveControl ist ein umfassendes Gewaltsystem, das nach Trennung weitergeht. Opfer haben jedes Recht, sich & ihre #Kinder davor zu schützen & sich zu wehren. Das garantiert die #IstanbulKonvention! https://twitter.com/dremmakatz/status/1636681226802147330
#Familiengericht #coercivecontrol #kinder #istanbulkonvention
📚 Interparental Coercive Control and Child and Family Outcomes: A Systematic Review.
The ongoing dangers of coercive control:
“CC [coercive control] was associated with increased parental psychopathology, poorer family functioning, harsher parenting and higher levels of child abuse, strained parent-child relationships, children used as tools and co-victims of CC, increased risk of child internalizing and externalizing problems, limited socializing opportunities, increased bullying, poorer perinatal outcomes, limited access to healthcare, and increased risk of child mortality. Evidence identified CC as a unique contributor to adverse child wellbeing outcomes, independent of exposure to IPV more broadly.”
🌐 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36573654/ (Abstract only; paywalled research.)
@sociology #PublicHealth #Prevention #ACEs #IPV #Trauma #CoerciveControl
#publichealth #prevention #aces #ipv #trauma #coercivecontrol
I just don’t know what to do anymore. I’m scared of everything. I‘ve got so much trauma from doctors. I’m scared my GP will yell at me today and I won’t get a chance to get my treatment, scripts, go though very bad bloodwork and figure out what to or follow up referrals. I really need my IV. He’s dragging his heels. He yelled at me a few days after my mother had a stroke. That’s why I need to record this guy. How can I do this all in 10 minutes? The clinic won’t even let me email them to pass anything on in preparation. They denied it for 8 months but finally admitted it. I can’t go anywhere else because don’t have the energy. I’ve got no support. I ask one disability advocate to help they say they don’t do that and pass me on to another one that sends me back. Don’t know what to do. Hospital doesn’t help. What the hell do I do? I’m not asking a lot. I just want treatment and people who should be helping me to stop treating me like shit.
#SevereME #ChronicIlness #LongCovid #PwME #MECFS
#CoerciveControl #Abuse coming from everywhere.
#SevereME #chronicilness #LongCovid #pwme #mecfs #coercivecontrol #abuse
I just don’t know what to do anymore. I’m scared of everything. I‘be got so much trauma from doctors. I’m scared my GP will yell at me today and I won’t get a chance to get my treatment, scripts, go though very bad bloodwork and figure out what to or follow up referrals. He yelled at me a few days after my mother had a stroke. How can I do this in 10 minutes? The clinic won’t even let me email them to pass anything on in preparation. They denied it for 8 months but finally admitted it. I can’t go anywhere else because don’t have the energy. I’ve got no support. I ask one disability advocate to help they say they don’t do that and pass me on to another one that sends me back. Don’t know what to do. Hospital doesn’t help. What the hell do I do. I just want treatment and people who should be helping me to stop treating me like shit.
#SevereME #ChronicIlness
#CoerciveControl #Abuse coming from everywhere.
#SevereME #chronicilness #coercivecontrol #abuse