"The symbolism of publishing in the South before the North is important to me"
J.M. #Coetzee about why his latest book, the novella "El polaco", was first published in Spanish in Argentina. More in @elpaisinenglish@twitter.com: https://english.elpais.com/culture/2022-09-13/j-m-coetzee-after-many-years-of-practice-i-write-good-english-sentences.html
#Barbarai #arpadschiling #coetzee #waitingforbarbarians #jaunimoteatras Teatras karo metu - savigraužos, savigailos ir saviplakos menas. Didysis Valentinas Masalskis ir jo žmogiškasis pavidalas, murkdomas vandeny, durpėse, seno kūno dreblume, išmatose ir galiausiai belytiškume. Lietuviškame teatre įklimpęs vengrų režisūros genijus. Barbaras tremtyje. #vakarbuvauteatre
#barbarai #arpadschiling #coetzee #waitingforbarbarians #jaunimoteatras #vakarbuvauteatre
Just started Youth by JM Coetzee, which is memoir of his young life from the age of 19. It reads quite like a first-person novel and draws you in straight away. I've read Disgrace and The Master of Petersburg by him - both highly recommended. @bookstodon #books #novels #fiction #memoir #autofiction #Coetzee #amreading #literaryfiction
#books #novels #fiction #memoir #autofiction #coetzee #amreading #literaryfiction
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Leer ficción. Coetzee
Tengo que admitir que pierdo la paciencia leyendo ficción...
@SergKoren "HumAnimal: Race, Law, Language" by #KalpanaRahitaSeshadri is a great book on the power of silence. It also discusses some great fiction with silent characters (including #Coetzee's Foe which is one my fave books ever).
#kalpanarahitaseshadri #coetzee
An overview here of J.M. Coetzee's frustration with the global hegemony of the English language. Coetzee's most recent novel has only appeared in Spanish translation, and his collection "Moral Tales" from 2018 has only appeared in Spanish, French, Italian, and Japanese.
#coetzee #bookstodon #language #english