There's no need for single-use plastics in order to grab a yummy summer beverage. To kick off Plastic Free July, OKAPI reusables is partnering with local Alameda cafés and offering discount membership, a raffle, and free coffee!
#casa #okapi #alameda #wescafe #TheLocal #DonutPetit #environment #CoffeeCultures #PlasticFreeJuly #JulieSCoffeeAndTeaGarden
#casa #okapi #alameda #wescafe #thelocal #donutpetit #environment #coffeecultures #plasticfreejuly #juliescoffeeandteagarden
Ditch the single-use coffee cups! Borrow an OKAPI stainless steel or glass cup with a silicone lid and then return it for washing. To kick-start usage in Alameda, OKAPI is hosting a Free Coffee Day at four participating cafés for customers who download the app and join.
#tea #casa #okapi #coffee #alameda #wescafe #TheLocal #StopWaste #environment #CoffeeCultures #sustainability #SingleUsePlastics #JulieSCoffeeAndTeaGarden #DisposableFoodServiceWareLaw
#tea #casa #okapi #coffee #alameda #wescafe #thelocal #stopwaste #environment #coffeecultures #sustainability #singleuseplastics #juliescoffeeandteagarden #disposablefoodservicewarelaw