In a completely different Advent direction, we're enjoying the Oynx Coffee Advent Calendar (much better for the health than last year's Advent of Beer) - today's coffee is "Mexico Reyna Reyes Villavicencio" from Oaxaca and the internet seems to know nothing about it. How is Mastodon for coffee nerdery? #coffeefolks #coffeenerds
In a completely different Advent direction, we're enjoying the Oynx Coffee Advent Calendar (much better for the health than last year's Advent of Beer) - today's coffee is "Mexico Reyna Reyes Villavicencio" from Oaxaca and the internet seems to know nothing about it. How is Mastodon for coffee nerdery? #coffeefolks #coffeenerds
I love me an #eggnog #latte at this time of year #gohawks #SaturdayMorningMusing #SaturdayMorningHappiness #coffeefolks #coffeeofmastodon
#coffeeofmastodon #coffeefolks #saturdaymorninghappiness #saturdaymorningmusing #GoHawks #latte #eggnog
Okay. #introductionpost here: I’m a Bible College grad, pastors spouse, former local missionary, that changed careers 10yrs ago to work professionally in the specialty coffee scene. Been Barista ever since, along with managing, teaching, and everything involving coffee. So far don’t see too many #coffeefolks on here, but preparing for a bigger mass exit from the blue bird
#coffeefolks #introductionpost