Finally !! #CoffeeJack It took several years and I didn’t/couldn’t pay extra postage so didn’t expect you ever get it. #coffeemachine #kickstarter
#coffeejack #coffeemachine #kickstarter
Starting to get the hang of this. First time I'm getting closer with the #espresso foam. Really gotta carefully pack the basket so that there's sufficient resistance, pre-infuse very slowly, and then find to right rhythm when pumping to build up the appropriate pressure. #CoffeeJack is one of those very delayed Kickstarter campaigns that actually buckled down and delivered. Kudos to them!
Well, my #coffeejack arrived last week, and now it's broken. That was a very long wait for a piece of crap.
Looks like #coffeejack was another #indiegogo scam :( That's disappointing. I was really looking forward to it.