I'm a coffee enthusiast. I try not to have too many bad habits.
– Taylor Hanson
Quando io morirò, tu portami il caffè, e vedrai che io resuscito come Lazzaro.
– Peppino De Filippo
#quoteoftheday #coffeequote #december23
Life happens, coffee helps.
– Anonymous
I do not question anyone anymore. I drink coffee and I live.
– Tahar Ben Jelloun
Prendo tre caffè alla volta per risparmiare due mance.
– Totò
#toto #quoteoftheday #coffeequote #december22
Sometimes I go hours without drinking coffee. It's called sleeping.
– Anonymous
La scoperta del caffè fu, a suo modo, importante quanto l’invenzione del telescopio o del microscopio. Il caffè infatti ha inaspettatamente intensificato e modificato le capacità e la vivacità del cervello umano.
– Heinrich Eduard Jaco
#quoteoftheday #coffeequote #december21
Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.
– Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Like a cup of coffee,
It'll full with sweetness or bitterness,
Add little water to taste it better,
Add some sugar to make it sweeter,
And your days will be ever greater.
― Shaa Zainol
#shaazainol #quoteoftheday #coffeequote #december20
Il primo caffè del mattino non arriva mai, e sottolineo MAI, abbastanza in fretta.
– Helen Oyeyemi
#quoteoftheday #coffeequote #december20
I just want to drink coffee create stuff and sleep.
– Anonymous
Caffeine and weirdness / @coffee@twitter.com.freak
#mondaymotivation #coffeeaddict #TGIF #cafexperiment #coffeequote #teamcoffee #coffeelover #coffeememe #caffe #coffee #kaffe #cafe #coffegram #coffeehumor
#mondaymotivation #coffeeaddict #tgif #cafexperiment #coffeequote #teamcoffee #coffeelover #coffeememe #caffe #Coffee #kaffe #cafe #coffegram #coffeehumor
Se fossi una donna mi piacerebbe indossare caffè come un profumo.
– John Van Druten
#quoteoftheday #coffeequote #december19
Si cambia più facilmente religione che caffè.
– Georges Courteline
#quoteoftheday #coffeequote #december18
Some poems froth
and foam and rise...
out of my morning cup of
mist-sweetened coffee.
― Sanober Khan, Turquoise Silence
Come con arte va preparato, così con arte va bevuto.
– J.S. Bach, la Cantata del caffè
#jsbach #quoteoftheday #coffeequote #december17
Always choose the adventure… unless, it's chilly outside and there's a cup of warm coffee resting near a book and comfy sofa.
― Barbara Brooke
Ah! Come è dolce il sapore del caffè! Più dolce di mille baci, più dolce di un vino moscato.
– J.S. Bach, la Cantata del caffè
#jsbach #quoteoftheday #coffeequote #december16
When my blood runs black as the moonless night, and my heartbeat sounds as the Warriors march, only then may you say, I’ve had enough coffee.
– Anonymous
A riempire una stanza basta una caffettiera sul fuoco.
– Erri De Luca
#errideluca #quoteoftheday #coffeequote #december15