Now we have 13 independent #CoffeeTableBooks / #PictureBooks listed on our page.
Let's spread the word that there is a new index for such great books out there so that more and more books will find their way onto that page ...
The best: It's free for #photographers and readers! We don't even use cookies.
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Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: EmRata and Eric Andre Just Hard Launched Their Relationship in the Nude, Obviously #Jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #sebastianbearmcclard #coffeetablebooks #emilyratajkowski #eroticliterature #humaninterest #hannahphifer #petedavidson #visualarts #ericandre #twitter #selfie #nudity #actors #nude #sex
#jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #sebastianbearmcclard #coffeetablebooks #emilyratajkowski #eroticliterature #humaninterest #hannahphifer #petedavidson #visualarts #ericandre #Twitter #selfie #nudity #actors #nude #sex
We are up and running -- featuring the first 3 independent #CoffeeTableBooks / #PictureBooks.
Let's spread the word that there is a new index for such great books out there so that more and more books will find their way onto that page ...
The best: It's free for #photographers and readers!
#art #fotobuch #bildband #fotografie #photography #photographers #picturebooks #coffeetablebooks
Somewhere along the line I fell in love with Roger Dean's paintings and bought the coffee table book DRAGON'S DREAM. He's known for doing the album covers for YES, and he also made the Psygnosis owl logo. The pieces I like are surreal-yet-accessible landscapes. I love the textures and the compositions stop my show!
His artwork makes stellar desktop wallpaper: (Listing of all)
(one of my faves)
(another fave)
(and a last)
#CoffeeTableBooks - What's yours?
#mastoart #inspirational #rogerdean #art
#coffeetablebooks #MastoArt #inspirational #rogerdean #art