Ar ôl gwyliau'r Pasg, mae'n bryd i ni ail-ddechrau'r #CoffiBore. Bore fory (dydd Mawrth) am 11. Bydd ebost gyda'r ddolen yn cyrraedd heno...
After the Easter break, it's time to restart #MorningCoffi. Tomorrow morning (Tuesday) at 11am. An email with the link should arrive tonight...
Bore da! Bydd ein #CoffiBore wythnos yma ddydd Gwener am 11. This week's #MorningCoffi will be on Friday at 11.
Bring a photo of a favourite pet, maybe one you own, or one you'd like to own. Or if you're a cat person, one who owns you...
Bore da! Bydd #CoffiBore yfory, ddydd Mawrth 21/3 rhwng 11 a 12. Gwelwn ni chi yno!
There will be #MorningCoffi tomorrow, tuesday 21/3 between 11 and 12. We'll see you there!
Pnawn da! Remember it's #CoffiBore time, at 11am tomorrow! #MorningCoffi, fory am 11yb. Take a pip at for more details, and to register your email.
Tan fory!
@janmakarta Diolch yn fawr am y ddolen, Jan. Mae lot o bethau gwych i''w defnyddio yno!
A diolch am ateb y cwestiynau. Mae'n ddefnyddiol iawn.
Sori, ond fydd dim #CoffiBore wythnos yma - mae gormod yn digwydd yma!
@dailywelsh S’mae, Iestyn, a sori fy mod i angen mor hir i ateb. Mae’n ddrwg i fi hefyd am fethu #CoffiBore ddoe - anghofiais i’n hwyr ei roi fo yn fy nyddiadur 😥
Ynglŷn â dy gwestiwnau:
1) Dw i’n hoffi’r breakout rooms - mae'n haws siarad â nifer fach o bobl na grŵp mwy. Hoffais i dy syniad o awgrymu pwnc fel cerddoriaeth neu deledu ac ati fel help i ddechrau 😁 . Wyt ti’n nabod y rhestr defnyddiol o bwnciau addas yma?
2) Hoffwn! Hoffwn i glywed rhagor yn bendant!
@dailywelsh #CoffiBore gwych arall , diolch yn fawr iawn, Iestyn, am fod mor amyneddgar gyda ni 🙏 😁 , mi fwynheais y sgwrs yn fawr iawn! Basai’n neis gweld hyd yn oed mwy o bobl yn mwynhau’r cyfle 'ma i siarad tipyn o Gymraeg gyda'n gilydd – beth amdani, gyd-ddysgwyr? Dilynwch @dailywelsh i ddarganfod mwy 😁
Time flies when you're busy!
It's almost time for #CoffiBore, which is tomorrow at the slightly later time of 11:00. For 5 minutes of listening, or an hour of talk and laughter - any level, join & leave any time. Register at for the Zoom link
This week we will be discussing some cracking 'would you rathers' from Stephen Rule's new book: Fasai'n well gen ti...?
Time flies when you're busy!
It's almost time for #CoffiBore, which is tomorrow at the slightly later time of 11:00. For 5 minutes of listening, or an hour of talk and laughter - any level, join & leave any time. Register at for the Zoom link
This week we will be discussing some cracking 'would you rathers' from Stephen Rule's new book: Fasai'n well gen ti...?
Ŵps! Bach yn hwyr heno, ond mae gwahoddiadau #CoffiBore newydd fynd mas...
A bit late this evening, but the #MorningCoffi invitations have just gone out...
10:30 yb 10/02/23
I'm really sorry, @anniemo71 - that looks like my fault. I was lazy and didn't include the www. at the beginning.
To join #CoffiBore, please register at
Thank you for pointing that out, as I would have made the same mistake week after week otherwise! Diolch!
Prynhawn da! A quick heads-up for the #CoffiBore this week. It will be Friday again, between 10:30 and 11:30am again. Go to to register so that you receive the Zoom link. The day will change again next week. Watch this space!
Remember - whatever your level, from 1 - just listening to 4 - taking full part (but may not understand everything) - everyone is welcome, and will get something out of it.
Bring your own coffi!
@dailywelsh Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi, Iestyn, a phawb arall am y #CoffiBore difyr heddiw! Dw i'n ymddiheuro am orfod gadael mor sydyn (oherwydd apwyntiad meddyg), dw i eisoes yn edrych ymlaen at y tro nesa 😁 Janet_M.
@dailywelsh Diolch iawn
Brilliant #coffiBore heddiw.
Diolch for letting me practice reading.
@dailywelsh Light-years away from being fluent, I'm afraid! I've been learning Welsh on and off for ages, but have nearly always stayed in my comfort zone of reading, listening and writing. Admittedly there are not many opportunities to speak Welsh face-to-face with others here in Munich, but I have occasionally plucked up the courage to do an online course or have a one-to-one online conversation, and it has always done a world of good. I enjoyed last week's #CoffiBore very much!
@janmakarta Of course! I've tried tyo set the #CoffiBore up so that people can drop in, have a quick chat (or listen) with whaterver time they've got, so 5 minutes or the full hour, whatever suits!
Quick question, @janmakarta
Have you learnt Welsh to fluency before? (I didn't say 'sensible question', did I?)
If this is your first time, then you're going to make most of the mistakes for yourself, including the 'being terrified of speaking'' one.
Don't beat yourself up!
Really - you can only start from where you are now, which means doing what your doing, and having another #CoffiBore with us. The more you stutter, the more (and quicker!) you learn!
Noswaith dda! The invitations for the #CoffiBore / #MorningCoffi will get sent out (by email) in about a quarter of an hour. If you don't receive one, let me know!
See you all tomorrow from 10.30am
Remember, if you've only got 15 minutes, that's fine - drop in and out as you need!
@dailywelsh 😁 I really enjoyed the last #CoffiBore and I agree, the break out rooms worked well. Having a small number of people helps with the perennial online problem of not being able to understand what's being said when more than one person tries to talk.
Unfortunately, I've an appointment on Friday at that time but I'll try to come for the first half hour, if that isn't too disruptive.