Interview: Coffin Mulch
Like fellow death metal Glaswegians Brainbath, Coffin Mulch seem to be on every death metal live show up here in Scotland, to much acclaim. Recently this included the recent run of Carcass in Glasgow and Dundee. Coffin Mulch have a serious message in their lyrics and stay away from the norm when it comes to death metal, so while playing quality old school death met
Gig Review: Carcass / Conjurer / Coffin Mulch – Slay, Glasgow (27th May 2023)
It’s been a while since I’ve seen some live death metal so when I saw the announcement for Carcass a while ago, I instantly added it to my gig calendar. They’ve killed it at past shows so I knew Glasgow was in for a bloody good time.
#conjurer #coffinmulch #carcass #GigReviews
~ Flyer Friday ~
lots of great gigs happening in Leeds
#MortuarySpawn #CoffinMulch #StiffMeds #Migraines #GorillaCake #Keno #FAxFO #TheAnnihilated #TSWarspite #LastOrders #Churchgoers #Fixer #Motive #Distort #TheSocial #Geval #BloodFeud #PestControl #LawfulKilling #Fate #DRI #Pegboy #TheFlex #MDC #ToxicReasons #FUs #Rivalry #TheSexManiacs #Voorhees #TheWelchBoys #ZeroAgain #FastBlood #DamagedGoodsLeeds #BoomLeeds #UKHC #LeedsGigs #FlyerFriday
#mortuaryspawn #coffinmulch #stiffmeds #migraines #gorillacake #keno #faxfo #theannihilated #tswarspite #lastorders #churchgoers #fixer #motive #distort #thesocial #geval #bloodfeud #pestcontrol #lawfulkilling #fate #dri #pegboy #theflex #mdc #toxicreasons #fus #rivalry #thesexmaniacs #voorhees #thewelchboys #zeroagain #fastblood #damagedgoodsleeds #boomleeds #ukhc #leedsgigs #flyerfriday
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 2nd Release ENCORE!🎧
COFFIN MULCH - Into The Blood EP🏴🇬🇧🔥
2 Track Single release from Glasgow, Scotland, UK Death Metal outfit🔥
#KMaN #fffdec2 #deathmetal #intotheblood #coffinmulch