Any #ChurchofScotland people out there who might be interested in this?
RT @Munross
UK #Church people and esp. my #CofS friends.
Gun-violence / in-guns-we-trust in the USA:
Is this 'our' problem, not just 'their' problem?
'Sin' or 'heresy' or 'doctrine to be rejected'?
(following, e.g. Barmen & Belhar)
How to concisely characterise it and bear witness?
#cofs #church #ChurchofScotland
simple, clear argument for prioritising 'culture' within organisations. Churches do badly on this, not least my own denomination, the #CofS, with its bullying issues. Would that the Kirk would listen. @churchmoderator
.. ground zero for the Christian Church's relationship with state power, which hangs over all established churches, including the #CofS. Soft state power a big part of that story. So there's another thing. Has to set you a-pondering.
Pondering the oft-lamented failure of Church Without Walls to fly, I've reached the conclusion that the real challenge we failed to meet is to build a Church Without (professional) Ministers. #CofS #ChurchofScotland