CogEvo, the Rovereto Workshop on Cognition and Evolution, is finally here this week, and we'll kick things off with something special: stem cell expert Prof Elena Cattaneo delivers a public talk on “L’avventura della conoscenza”, the adventure of knowledge. Talk in Italian, 17.30 Wed., July 5, at Palazzo Piomarta.
Abstract submission deadline for CogEvo extended! June 20 is now the last day for both registration and abstracts. But why delay? Sign up today!
#CIMeCevents #CogEvo2023
Final days to send your abstract for CogEvo 2023 (deadline: tomorrow!). We are getting evolutionary, we are getting neuro, and we are definitely getting unconventional — don’t miss this!
Plus …
… if you’re in town the day before, July 5, you can catch stem cell expert Elena Cattaneo speaking about “L’avventura della conoscenza” (talk in Italian).
#CIMeCevents #CogEvo2023
• Aurore Avargues-Weber, Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition Animale, Université Toulouse 3, CNRS, UPS, Toulouse, France, “Mastering concept learning: a honeybee perspective”
• Paul Manger, School of Anatomical Sciences, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, “Can a neuroanatomist contribute to solving humanity’s self-induced existential crisis?”
Registration: June 20
Conference: July 6-7 in Rovereto (Trento), Italy
#CIMeCevents #CogEvo2023
Get your CogEvo abstract in this week, and make it good – 5 travel awards of €200 each will be given to posters with non-faculty first authors to make sure those researchers can get here to present their work. Organizers will select winners after the submission deadline, June 10.
Registration: June 20
Conference: July 6-7 in Rovereto (Trento), Italy
#CIMeCevents #CogEvo2023
Get your abstract in for CogEvo 2023, with the theme, “Unconventional animal models in neuroscience”.
👉Important: after you’ve submitted your abstract, you *also* have to register your attendance! Hit both of the buttons on the information page. Twelve days left (June 10) — do it today!
#CIMeCevents #CogEvo2023
Two weeks left to register for CogEvo, the perfect conference for early-career researchers, with more chances to interact with speakers and colleagues. Dedicated poster sessions and discussion periods are all designed to promote collaboration.
Abstracts: June 10
Registration: June 20
Conference: July 6-7 in Rovereto (Trento), Italy
#CIMeCevents #CogEvo2023
CogEvo (July 6-7 in Rovereto) registration is now live at
Abstracts: June 10
Registration: June 20
#CIMeCevents #CogEvo2023
RT @cimec_unitrento
CogEvo returns! The #Rovereto Workshop on Cognition and Evolution is packed with compelling speakers and chances to present your exciting new work.
Abstracts: June 10
Registration: June 20
Conference: July 6-7 in Trentino, Italy
#CIMeCevents #CogEvo2023
#rovereto #cimecevents #cogevo2023
The futurist rooster crows, announcing the return of CogEvo! The #Rovereto Workshop on Cognition and Evolution will be packed with compelling invited speakers, and it’s full of chances for you to present your own exciting new work.
Abstracts are due by June 10.
Registration: June 20.
Conference: July 6-7 in Rovereto (Trento), Italy.
#CIMeCevents #CogEvo2023
#rovereto #cimecevents #cogevo2023