@Djeep @noagendashownoteslinks In contrast to #cogitive abilty, i.e. how well one can perform as cog in the machinery ;-)
As you read this stop!
Take a moment!
What are you doing?
What's reading?
Have you ever thought what is thinking? #MetaCognition
You're aware of what you're thinking. But, what is that thinking?
You're aware of your beliefs. But, what is "it" that causes those beliefs.
Well, if you're of a curious nature, the answers to these questions are contained within the #science of #psychology.
As as psychologist - if there is one concept l have learned about adult human nature it is, to borrow a colloquially proverb ""you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink"
#science #metacognition #psychology #cogitive #autodidacticism