Some photos from my invited tutorial on "Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds" at the 21st International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence in Udine: #AI #cognitivearchitectures #cognitiveAI #cybernetics #artificialintelligence #cognitivesystems #research #academiclife
#academiclife #research #CognitiveSystems #artificialintelligence #cybernetics #CognitiveAI #cognitivearchitectures #ai
Lieto, A., Lebiere, C., & Oltramari, A. (2018). The knowledge level in cognitive architectures: Current limitations and possible developments. Cognitive Systems Research, 48, 39-55.
#knowledgerepresentation #knowledgeprocessing #cognitivearchitectures #cognitivesystems #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #computationalcognitivescience #commonsensereasoning #cognitivesystems #cognitivemodelling
#cognitivemodelling #commonsensereasoning #computationalcognitivescience #ai #artificialintelligence #CognitiveSystems #cognitivearchitectures #knowledgeprocessing #knowledgerepresentation
Lieto, Antonio, Lebiere, Christian, & Oltramari, Alessandro (2018). The knowledge level in cognitive architectures: Current limitations and possible developments. Cognitive Systems Research, 48, 39-55.
#knowledgerepresentation #knowledgeprocessing #semanticmemory #cognitivearchitectures #cognitivesystems #ArtificialIntelligence #cognitivemodelling #computationalcognitivescience #AI
#ai #computationalcognitivescience #cognitivemodelling #artificialintelligence #CognitiveSystems #cognitivearchitectures #semanticmemory #knowledgeprocessing #knowledgerepresentation
A selection of my favourite #books to read/study covering the intersection between #ArtificialIntelligence and #CognitiveScience....(yes, I included also "Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds"
#AI #cognitiveAI #computationalcognitivescience #cognitivearchitectures #research #cognitivedesignforartificialminds
#cognitivedesignforartificialminds #research #cognitivearchitectures #computationalcognitivescience #CognitiveAI #ai #cognitivescience #artificialintelligence #books
A selection of my favourite #books to read/study covering the intersection between #ArtificialIntelligence and #CognitiveScience....(yes, I included also "Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds"
#AI #cognitiveAI #computationalcognitivescience #cognitivearchitectures #research #cognitivedesignforartificialminds
#cognitivedesignforartificialminds #research #cognitivearchitectures #computationalcognitivescience #CognitiveAI #ai #cognitivescience #artificialintelligence #books
Overall, in my entire research I have always been interested in the epistemological loop (see picture below) that cognitively-inspired #AI systems can provide to better understand how our brain and mind works.
My current interest is concerned with the implications of the application of #languagemodels as semantic memories of #cognitivearchitectures
#cognitivearchitectures #languagemodels #ai
I hope it's not too late for my #introduction
I am an associate professor of #Psychology at the #UniversityOfWashington, proud #Immigrant and #FirstGen. I work in #CognitiveScience and #CognitiveNeuroscience and specifically in #PredictiveModels of #Memory and #DecisionMaking and #CognitiveArchitectures: I think they will play an important role in #ComputationalPsychiatry.
Besides being a #science nerd, I love #movies (soft spot for #horror), #nature (we have #horses !) and #bicycling
#introduction #psychology #universityofwashington #immigrant #firstgen #cognitivescience #cognitiveneuroscience #PredictiveModels #memory #decisionmaking #cognitivearchitectures #ComputationalPsychiatry #science #movies #horror #nature #horses #bicycling