I'll go ahead and post my #Introduction as a newbie:
My name is Taylor Curley and I am a Research Psychologist at the Air Force Research Laboratory. While my primary focus is with computational modeling, I am fortunate to be able to work in several different branches of cognitive psychology:
#memory #metamemory #metacognition #attention #vigilance #cognitivemodels #perception #rstats #statistics
Happy to be a new Mastodonian(?)! Come say hey
#statistics #RStats #perception #cognitivemodels #vigilance #attention #metacognition #metamemory #memory #Introduction
I work at the interface of #CognitiveScience, #neuroscience and #AI.
Couple years back we wrote out a hypothesis for how the #noggin represents the time of past events. The equations support #CognitiveModels of behavior, describe the activity of populations of neurons in the #brain, and enable deep networks that do amazing stuff.
The equations for time generalize to other dimensions (space, number, evidence).
Trying to spread the word and working on #ReinforcementLearning
#ReinforcementLearning #brain #cognitivemodels #noggin #AI #NeuroScience #cognitivescience #Introduction