ohthehugemanatee · @ohthehugemanatee
125 followers · 504 posts · Server fosstodon.org

The is amazing. Put experts from , , , , , , and into a pot and shake them up, and this is what comes out: a narrative choose-your-own with a strong connection to existing and ongoing research, driven by your own . I am fascinated and learning a lot about myself.

Come for the story, stay for the free therapy. 😃


#betwixt #game #cognitivetherapy #mindfulness #cbt #sciencewriting #aicreativity #hci #gamingforwellness #adventuregame #selfexploration

Last updated 1 year ago

Gary · @empiricism
228 followers · 1037 posts · Server qoto.org

Fundamentally Narcissism hurts others and the narcissist.

As with most personality characteristics - narcissism should be considered along a spectrum.

Narcissism is a type of personality trait. A cluster of traits. What defines narcissism is a lack of empathy & the intention (motivation) to manipulate people. Those motivations could be more emotive such as envy - or more cognitive such as plotting against a rival business person or politician. However, a narcissistic agenda always relates to social status and the fear of losing social status (including money). Narcissists tend to be very competitive against others (compared to challenging the self rather than competition being the primary agenda)

So yea - there are many forms of narcissism.

As the term suggests - narcissists believe they are superior to other people. This is also why narcissists are more authoritarian (e.g., "bossy", "controlling", and "strict"). On a cultural level - narcissism is fascism (an organization that's controlled by narcissists' agendas who manipulate the lower ranking)

A practical way to understand the difference between a narcissist and a non-narcissist is to think about the types of "bosses"," managers"., "directors", "presidents" and generally leaders that have been known throughout history.

At one end of the spectrum - are people that are bosses or leaders that care for their workers or followers. Some leaders are selected for leadership by the people. Gandhi - was a good, non-violent - example.

Other "leaders" believe they deserve to be leaders and do whatever it takes to be in a position of authority. For example, they will lie to and manipulate people to sustain their social status (including monetary income). Putin - is a bad, violent - example.

The typical negative (theory of mind) quality of a narcissist is a superiority complex. They don't perceive that their behaviors are a social problem. In other words, they're generally anti-social - they just see and perceive that way. That's why narcissists don't generally decide that they could be helped with therapy. They perceive that other people - not them, are the problem. They actively perceive that it's the people they try to manipulate that need help. Manipulation is the dominant characteristic of the narcissist. That should not be conflated with a good influence. Narcissists are generally a bad influence on society (even if they believe their "great" leaders or bosses)

I realize that the previous paragraph may be unnerving for some However - if you're *not* generally being "bossy", "controlling", "strict", deceiving, and manipulative - then you are not a narcissist.

FYI - don't bother to simply try and confront a narcissist - they will accuse you of being the problem (& they believe it). Narcissists need professional help. But, they don't seek it.

The good news is that narcissism - as with any personality characteristic - can be regulated by informing the narcissist about the type of behaviors that narcissists regularly do (& enjoy doing). To reiterate, narcissists don't tend to perceive that their behaviors are a problem.

However, narcissists can be as logical as anyone else (but they use that logic to manipulate people). So, the key to reducing narcissism is for the narcissists to understand that their narcissism will also ruin any "loving" social relationship.

A relationship in which one of the partners *only* "loves" themself - isn't stable.

As with most personality characteristics - narcissism should be considered along a spectrum.

To learn more about what makes narcissists "tick" listen to this podcast.

"The Narcissist in You and Everyone Else: Recognizing the 27 Types of Narcissism" podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/

#strict #dominant #manipulative #empathy #compassion #coperation #teamwork #psychology #cognitivepsychology #hate #cognitivetherapy #relationships #bossy #personality #narcissism #authortarian #controlling #love #altruim #family #friends

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
228 followers · 1037 posts · Server qoto.org

Fundamentally Narcissism hurts others and the narcissist.

As with most personality characteristics - narcissism should be considered along a spectrum.

Narcissism is a type of personality trait. A cluster of traits. What defines narcissism is a lack of empathy & the intention (motivation) to manipulate people. Those motivations could be more emotive such as envy - or more cognitive such as plotting against a rival business person or politician. However, a narcissistic agenda always relates to social status and the fear of losing social status (including money). Narcissists tend to be very competitive against others (compared to challenging the self rather than competition being the primary agenda)

So yea - there are many forms of narcissism.

As the term suggests - narcissists believe they are superior to other people. This is also why narcissists are more authoritarian (e.g., "bossy", "controlling", and "strict"). On a cultural level - narcissism is fascism (an organization that's controlled by narcissists' agendas who manipulate the lower ranking)

A practical way to understand the difference between a narcissist and a non-narcissist is to think about the types of "bosses"," managers"., "directors", "presidents" and generally leaders that have been known throughout history.

At one end of the spectrum - are people that are bosses or leaders that care for their workers or followers. Some leaders are selected for leadership by the people. Gandhi - was a good, non-violent - example.

Other "leaders" believe they deserve to be leaders and do whatever it takes to be in a position of authority. For example, they will lie to and manipulate people to sustain their social status (including monetary income). Putin - is a bad, violent - example.

The typical negative (theory of mind) quality of a narcissist is a superiority complex. They don't perceive that their behaviors are a social problem. In other words, they're generally anti-social - they just see and perceive that way. That's why narcissists don't generally decide that they could be helped with therapy. They perceive that other people - not them, are the problem. They actively perceive that it's the people they try to manipulate that need help. Manipulation is the dominant characteristic of the narcissist. That should not be conflated with a good influence. Narcissists are generally a bad influence on society (even if they believe their "great" leaders or bosses)

I realize that the previous paragraph may be unnerving for some However - if you're *not* generally being "bossy", "controlling", "strict", deceiving, and manipulative - then you are not a narcissist.

FYI - don't bother to simply try and confront a narcissist - they will accuse you of being the problem (& they believe it). Narcissists need professional help. But, they don't seek it.

The good news is that narcissism - as with any personality characteristic - can be regulated by informing the narcissist about the type of behaviors that narcissists regularly do (& enjoy doing). To reiterate, narcissists don't tend to perceive that their behaviors are a problem.

However, narcissists can be as logical as anyone else (but they use that logic to manipulate people). So, the key to reducing narcissism is for the narcissists to understand that their narcissism will also ruin any "loving" social relationship.

A relationship in which one of the partners *only* "loves" themself - isn't stable.

As with most personality characteristics - narcissism should be considered along a spectrum.

To learn more about what makes narcissists "tick" listen to this podcast.

"The Narcissist in You and Everyone Else: Recognizing the 27 Types of Narcissism" podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/


#cognitivepsychology #personality #narcissism #cognitivetherapy #dominant #teamwork #family #compassion #altruim #friends #psychology #relationships #bossy #controlling #strict #manipulative #epathy #coperation

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
228 followers · 1037 posts · Server qoto.org

Fundamentally Narcissism hurts others and the narcissist.

As with most personality characteristics - narcissism should be considered along a spectrum.

Narcissism is a type of personality trait. A cluster of traits. What defines narcissism is a lack of empathy & the intention (motivation) to manipulate people. Those motivations could be more emotive such as envy - or more cognitive such as plotting against a rival business person or politician. However, a narcissistic agenda always relates to social status and the fear of losing social status (including money). Narcissists tend to be very competitive against others (compared to challenging the self rather than competition being the primary agenda)

So yea - there are many forms of narcissism.

As the term suggests - narcissists believe they are superior to other people. This is also why narcissists are more authoritarian (e.g., "bossy", "controlling", and "strict"). On a cultural level - narcissism is fascism (an organization that's controlled by narcissists' agendas who manipulate the lower ranking)

A practical way to understand the difference between a narcissist and a non-narcissist is to think about the types of "bosses"," managers"., "directors", "presidents" and generally leaders that have been known throughout history.

At one end of the spectrum - are people that are bosses or leaders that care for their workers or followers. Some leaders are selected for leadership by the people. Gandhi - was a good, non-violent - example.

Other "leaders" believe they deserve to be leaders and do whatever it takes to be in a position of authority. For example, they will lie to and manipulate people to sustain their social status (including monetary income). Putin - is a bad, violent - example.

The typical negative (theory of mind) quality of a narcissist is a superiority complex. They don't perceive that their behaviors are a social problem. In other words, they're generally anti-social - they just see and perceive that way. That's why narcissists don't generally decide that they could be helped with therapy. They perceive that other people - not them, are the problem. They actively perceive that it's the people they try to manipulate that need help. Manipulation is the dominant characteristic of the narcissist. That should not be conflated with a good influence. Narcissists are generally a bad influence on society (even if they believe their "great" leaders or bosses)

I realize that the previous paragraph may be unnerving for some However - if you're *not* generally being "bossy", "controlling", "strict", deceiving, and manipulative - then you are not a narcissist.

FYI - don't bother to simply try and confront a narcissist - they will accuse you of being the problem (& they believe it). Narcists need professional help. But, they don't seek it.

The good news is that narcissism - as with any personality characteristic - can be regulated by informing the narcissist about the type of behaviors that narcissists regularly do (& enjoy doing). To reiterate, narcissists don't tend to perceive that their behaviors are a problem.

However, narcissists can be as logical as anyone else (but they use that logic to manipulate people). So, the key to reducing narcissism is for the narcissists to understand that their narcissism will also ruin any "loving" social relationship.

A relationship in which one of the partners *only* "loves" themself - isn't stable.

As with most personality characteristics - narcissism should be considered along a spectrum.

To learn more about what makes narcissists "tick" listen to this podcast.

"The Narcissist in You and Everyone Else: Recognizing the 27 Types of Narcissism" podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/


#narcissism #psychology #cognitivepsychology #personality #cognitivetherapy #relationships #bossy #controlling #strict #dominant #manipulative #epathy #compassion #coperation #altruim #teamwork #family #friends

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
228 followers · 1037 posts · Server qoto.org

Fundamentally Narcissism hurts others and the narcissist.

As with most personality characteristics - narcissism should be considered along a spectrum.

Narcissism is a type of personality trait. A cluster of traits. What defines narcissism is a lack of empathy & the intention (motivation) to manipulate people. Those motivations could be more emotive such as envy - or more cognitive such as plotting against a rival business person or politician. However, a narcissistic agenda always relates to social status and the fear of losing social status (including money). Narcissists tend to be very competitive against others (compared to challenging the self rather than competition being the primary agenda)

So yea - there are many forms of narcissism.

As the term suggests - narcissists believe they are superior to other people. This is also why narcissists are more authoritarian (e.g., "bossy", "controlling", and "strict"). On a cultural level - narcissism is fascism (an organization that's controlled by narcissists' agendas who manipulate the lower ranking)

A practical way to understand the difference between a narcissist and a non-narcissist is to think about the types of "bosses"," managers"., "directors", "presidents" and generally leaders that have been known throughout history.

At one end of the spectrum - are people that are bosses or leaders that care for their workers or followers. Some leaders are selected for leadership by the people. Gandhi - was a good, non-violent - example.

Other "leaders" believe they deserve to be leaders and do whatever it takes to be in a position of authority. For example, they will lie to and manipulate people to sustain their social status (including monetary income). Putin - is a bad, violent - example.

The typical negative (theory of mind) quality of a narcissist is a superiority complex. They don't perceive that their behaviors are a social problem. In other words, they're generally anti-social - they just see and perceive that way. That's why narcissists don't generally decide that they could be helped with therapy. They perceive that other people - not them, are the problem. They actively perceive that it's the people they try to manipulate that need help. Manipulation is the dominant characteristic of the narcissist. That should not be conflated with a good influence. Narcissists are generally a bad influence on society (even if they believe their "great" leaders or bosses)

I realize that the previous paragraph may be unnerving for some However - if you're *not* generally being "bossy", "controlling", "strict", deceiving, and manipulative - then you are not a narcissist.

FYI - don't bother to simply try and confront a narcissist - they will accuse you of being the problem (& they believe it). Narcists need professional help. But, they don't seek it.

The good news is that narcissism - as with any personality characteristic - can be regulated by informing the narcissist about the type of behaviors that narcissists regularly do (& enjoy doing). To reiterate, narcissists don't tend to perceive that their behaviors are a problem.

However, narcissists can be as logical as anyone else (but they use that logic to manipulate people). So, the key to reducing narcissism is for the narcissists to understand that their narcissism will also ruin any "loving" social relationship.

A relationship in which one of the partners *only* "loves" themself - isn't stable.

As with most personality characteristics - narcissism should be considered along a spectrum.

To learn more about what makes narcissists "tick" listen to this podcast.

Sterlin L. Mosley, "The Narcissist in You and Everyone Else: Recognizing the 27 Types of Narcissism" (Rowman & Littlefield, 2022) New Books in Psychology podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/


#psychology #cognitivepsychology #personality #narcissism #cognitivetherapy #relationships #bossy #controlling #strict #dominant #manipulative #epathy #compassion #coperation #altruim #teamwork #family #friends

Last updated 2 years ago

@TruthSandwich @RadioactiveRyley

It is fully possible to scan for and identify intrusive, disturbing and alien/ating thoughts. Both and & teach that "you are not those thoughts". Means it's time for sleep, meditation, medication, talk therapy, a walk with the dog, take a breathe. No need to act on such thoughts. In extreme exacerbation, or lacking insight, one may "Go Kanye". So to speak.

#buddhism #rationalemotivetherapy #cognitivetherapy #cognitivestherapy

Last updated 2 years ago

KiltedQueer :verified_gay: · @KiltedQueer
157 followers · 925 posts · Server mstdn.party

@schemmentislove Subject your feelings tae examination. Is their evidence tae support your feeling? Remember evidence + facts nae truth. I cannae help ye beyond that for it wud make me a hypocrite.


Last updated 2 years ago